Aug 3, 2020
This course will provide all basic information of android and it will also help you to understand the fundamental of java which is used in android. It really help me to improve my skills in android.
Nov 16, 2019
Excellent !! As a beginner I found this course a major kick-start to building a strong base for my Android app skills. A lot of practice needed though, but these videos would keep me going well
By Sarthak M
•Apr 29, 2020
bit outdated course need a soft reboot .
By Sathyanarayanan R
•Nov 7, 2017
Programs should have been taught more.
By Miguel Á R G
•Aug 15, 2016
Its learning curve is almost vertical.
By Himanshu R
•Mar 30, 2021
good course but can have more to it
By Aabishkar K
•Jun 29, 2020
Pretty good... But boring as heck!!
By mustafa f
•Aug 11, 2016
excellent course - Mustafa & Ed
By Akash C
•Oct 17, 2016
Good course. Bad arrangement!
By Nessreen S A S
•Feb 2, 2023
It is not easy for beignners
•Jul 20, 2020
By tushar07
•Jul 26, 2019
Female teacher not goood
By David A R
•Jun 8, 2020
By Eiknath T
•Mar 6, 2019
•May 17, 2020
By Alistair S
•Jul 5, 2020
Firstly I would say that this course is informative when it comes to the basics of java. The videos are informative but there is a lack of consistency with what you learn in the videos to actually writing java code. It is very similar to a college course where the pace is quite fast for people who have little to no experience programming. This often leaves students frustrated and discouraged and eventually leads them to give up. There could definitely be more practice added each new lesson of material you learn. Watching someone program and programming yourself are entirely different things. Everything you see on the quiz and programming assignments should be heavily practiced and discussed before they are even attempted. Forums offer some guidance but if you are stuck with how to solve a problem you are better off doing your own research as the moderators will often not give you reasons why your code or quiz answers are resulting as incorrect. If the service was free I would understand but this course is 50 dollars a month. As someone who is interested in becoming a programmer (with little experience) for both personal and financial benefits I think this course could do way better at teaching the material in a way that is practical and applicable. I am also saying this as someone who looks at the world and sees a high demand for programmers, software developers, website developers, game programmers and data scientists while many of these jobs are left unfilled because not enough people have these skills.
By Juan A S S
•Jun 29, 2021
Hello. I want to share how I've felt throughout the MOOC. I would say the course is not what I expected. I recognize that the material is quite good. However, it doesn't fit to my needs because I don't have enough support from the instructors, and nor from the colleagues; that's because the only way to communicate with them is by using the forum, it's not the best mean because I receive the answers sluggishly. In my opinion, the amount of topics covered per week is too much and they are given rapid. So there's no time to practice before doing the tasks. Talking about the videos, rather than just having the theorical part, I would've liked to have the chance to make guided exercises in order to practice and be prepared. I made my notes and payed attention to the concepts, but finally I get blocked while applying them.
By Juan P
•May 30, 2021
I signed up for this hoping to have lots practice and challenges. However, this course is built in a way that requires you to REALLY know your stuff. This course is not easy and I do not think it is actually a Beginners level course. There's little to no practice available unlike other resources on the internet. It's just videos, quizzes, and straight to the homework that doesn't seem to be anything related to what the videos talk about. I barely knew anything when I started this and they talk to you in literal gibberish throughout the courses. You have to find other resources to fully understand your homework in the first place. The instructors are always available for help though, so I appreciate that aspect.
By Kobe M
•Nov 10, 2020
The course started off really strong, but once it came to the first assignment it fell flat for me, as I completed the assignment but was having problems getting it to be graded. Additionally I unenrolled from the specialization course but I it is not allowing me to leave the this course despite my disinterest.
By Chuck M
•Aug 5, 2016
This course wasn't well suited to me, being a person with a programming background. It was too introductory. But that doesn't say anything against the course. The reason I don't rate the course highly is that it just wasn't that coherent. I would have preferred to have a single, consistently good instructor.
By Julian D D C E
•Oct 8, 2020
The videos has a lot of texts and this course has super long topics, the homeworks for someone that has not too much expirience are hard not because of what they ask its because sometimes for match with the answer the grader is asking its super hard.
By Muhammad F B F
•May 5, 2020
I wish if the Course was up to date, all i learned in this Course is the basic java
and the assments were out of date , almost needed to fix gradel problem everytime to start programing
but the best thing is mr.jerry he always there to help u
By Maciej K
•Nov 5, 2016
Should just be called 'Introduction of Java for absolute beginners'. I don't recall anything '...for Android' about the coding.
Some of the lecturers are so bad at speaking that it's painful to listen to. I really expected better.
By Alejandro B
•Jul 4, 2018
Some of the concepts are outdated such as conventions for private fields and thoughts around comments and documentation. Also the class seems more about object oriented programming than java for android.
By Greg P
•Jun 24, 2020
Not for the beginner. Not much teaching. Test are basically figure it out on your own, guess until you get it right. No clear examples given for any of the test material.
By Ajay P
•Sep 24, 2020
Not getting that much information and very less info on android
By Albaghdadi N
•Nov 6, 2020
this course is like someone reading book for you