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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learn to Speak Korean 1 by Yonsei University

11,453 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Learn to Speak Korean 1! This course is for beginner students who are familiar with the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. Through this course students will learn the skills essential for daily interactions with Koreans while living in Korea. This course consists of six modules, and each module is composed of five units. Each unit has vocabulary, grammar and expressions, conversation practice, video clips, quizzes, a workbook, and vocabulary lists. In order to assist students with their independent studies, Korean learning materials such as lecture notes, workbooks, and vocabulary lists detailing each day’s lecture are also provided. The vocabulary lists are accompanied by English, Chinese, and Japanese translations. I hope that you enjoy all this program has to offer over the next six weeks. After studying in this program, you will be able to have a real Korean conversation with your newly acquired knowledge of the Korean language. Thank you! Your Course Team Chief Contents Developer: Sang Mee Han Contents Developers: Bock Ja Lee, Yoo Kyung Choi, Ha Min Cho, Ju Eun Kim Production Assistants: Jin Hee Kim, Eun Hye Kim...

Top reviews


May 15, 2020

Its a very good course for beginners who have an idea of how to read and write hangeul the examples and demonstrations were easy to understand and remember. This also gives you a good vocabulary base!


Aug 31, 2021

Perfectly explained in each short videos. Learnt a lot of the basic grammars, vocab and phonetics. Now, just need to practice speaking it out loud. =) Hope to have "learn to speak korean 2" though. =)

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26 - 50 of 2,835 Reviews for Learn to Speak Korean 1

By Joeylyn L

Dec 21, 2018

This is really helpful!

By 支阳光

Jan 5, 2019

h很适合学习 很好德老师

By guy a

May 15, 2021

I am extremely satisfied with this course and its content. Professor Han did an exceptional job of presenting the material in a comprehensive and progressive that was both helpful and enjoyable. I have seen other courses before that did not have such detail in grammar, vocabulary, and practical usage of the weeks subject. The material provided in video, lecture notes and workbook were relevant and downloadable for future reference. Professor Han was clear and communicated well the material and providing multiple examples on the material covered. I would take this course again and hope to have Professor Han in future classes.

One warning you should observe before taking this class is this is NOT a beginner’s class. You should have a basic knowledge of the Korean alphabet and basic words before, or you would have a hard time following along in latter lessons.

By Mrinali D S

Jul 26, 2020

I loved learning with the Yonsei University. I got idea of many things in general for being able to learn more using self study. I am really confident to speak enough Korean with new Korean and Other friends too. This also helped me to understand Korean Dramas in a better way without the help of at least a few subtitles more than just Thank you, Sorry and names of the characters along with some other action verbs often known to many non-Korean K-Drama fans as well. I really glad to have this knowledge. Thank you so much to both Coursera for giving this opportunity of learning and Yonsei for giving abundant knowledge of Korean Language to be satisfied with this course and confident to speak in Korean.

By Eli I

Jun 18, 2018

I've been learning Korean for a while before this, but it was a good return to basics and definitely a more organized way to study. I feel my listening skills have improved a bit because of this course; additionally I learned a few words I hadn't seen up to now as well.The teacher was very nice and professional and I appreciated her simply style and delivery. The reenactments seemed a little... forced(?) at times, but they got the point across. Especially considering each speaker had a different style/speed of pronouncing their sentences (something you'd probably encounter in real life, no doubt).All in all, a great course.


May 20, 2020

A good course for beginners. As they have mentioned in the introduction, students MUST know hangul before enrolling into this course. The lessons teach common daily expressions that students can use on a daily basis like self-introduction, buying and exchanging things at the shop etc. Right after this course, you can go shopping in full Korean without any worries. The speaking exercise has both a native and non-native Korean speakers. So, you can hear the pronunciation difference. Notes provided are good too because they provide the used vocabularies in each lesson along with their meanings.

By Xenia S

Sep 12, 2017

It was a great course. The course provides practice of pronunciation from both a native speaker (the teacher) and diverse foreign students. The key point about this course, for myself, was the grammar part of the lessons/units, which were (VERY) useful for a beginners level.

A concern would have to be the repetitiveness of the tests, by which I mean that sometimes there was a sense of a 'follow-up' question which gave the answer to previous ones (there's 5 questions in each test).

All in all, I'm grateful for any kind of a 'step-by-step' lessons provided by a trustworthy source:)

By Jeremy W

Jul 24, 2020

Excellent course for those already familiar with Hangul (Korean writing system). Each 10-15 minute lesson progresses the course at a reasonable pace, demonstrating the content through multiple varied exercises. Most importantly, each lesson provides a few dramatized practical conversations to contextualize the newly learned grammar and vocabulary. Usually these conversations include one or two words or sentence structures that challenge the student to study beyond what is provided in the lesson.

The course is expertly crafted and I would love to see a "Learn to Speak Korean 2!"

By Yvette M

Dec 11, 2016

What an awesome beginner course! The instructor is superb! The students performing in the videos were great! The entire structure of each unit is built upon previous material. Yonsei utilizes this important element for long term memory consolidation. I learned a great deal. I now understand the finer points of grammar, such as particle usage, counters, and how to properly construct grammatically correct sentences. This course has given me a solid foundation in which to build upon. I wish that Yonsei University would offer an intermediate course :) Thank you so much!!

By Stéphanie S

Oct 23, 2019

I LOVED this course. I was browing through the reviews and was encouraged to pursue the course after people said that it taught them more in 6 weeks than in one year of self-study. I have been studying Korean for 6 months now and though, obviously, knowing Hangeul has helped, I really lacked in simple sentences constructions, daily life conversations and speaking practice. What a pleasure it was to be able to apply what I have learned in this course at the Korean restaurant ! Looking forward to more Yonsei contents. Thank you so much for this series !

By Deleted A

Aug 7, 2020

This course is helpful and easy to understand for those who want to speak Korean, especially those who don't use Korean as native language. Thank you so much for teaching us, Mrs Han. God bless!

By Vianney B R

Nov 6, 2020

I´m really looking forward to study Learn to Speak Korean 2.

Please don´t let students like me wait for too long, I want to learn Korean so much.

Thank you for this course!!!

By Büşra G

Oct 16, 2017

As the dialogs have korean and english subtitles and the instructor repeats every new word several times this course is super effective.

Thanks to the instructor so much!

By ratih w (

Aug 24, 2023

This course is very good. Suitable for beginners who want to learn Korean better.

By Emilia H

Jan 30, 2021

dont know the korean alphabet ):

By Quynh N T T

Oct 28, 2022

Interesting and helpful course for Korean learner at beginner level. The topics of this course is very close to daily life as well as includes essential Korean grammar points. In language specialist's point of view, the lessons are well- designed and easy to understand and catch up. These things are sometimes hard to find in real language teaching center. Big applause for friendly, nice teacher, as well as the lesson contents designer. Well done!

A bit about my Korean learning process:

I started learning the Korean alphabet in November, 2021. It took me 2 months (2 days/week) to attend class and memorizes the alphabet and pronunciation principles. Then I continued to take Korean class for beginner, from Jan, 2022 until beginning of April, 2022. I went through all the topics and key grammar point of beginning level, however, I was drown with bulk teaching methods so I was dropped out of the class. Hardly had I memorized anything, then had to move to another topic in blurry mind that "Is Korean that difficult to learn?". At the end, the feeling insecurity everytime I go to class and not able to catch up lead me to desicion of quitting that class, haha. Not until August, 2022 I decided to learn Korean again, cause I don't want to waste any of my time and my effort. This time, I chose to learn it myself and I found Coursera. One of my big recommendation of learning language is: a little everyday is way better than bulk learning. Through this course, I can totally control my study. I can stop for studying any object that I found unclear. I wasn't affaid of being unable to catch up as before. Learning by yourself is good for process control, hence it has its drawback, which is there is no one to check your pronunciation. :) Try to read outloud and record it. Listening to your own voice may cause "self-disgusting" but it helps, haha.

Finally, the more you're into one language's culture, the better you are at it. Imagine leaning language is like you meet a new friend. If you want to know them better, you have to know their personalities as well as their habits, hobbies, the way they dress, ect, and not just the way they talk :) Work hard, you earn your rewards later.

Good luck you all. Btw, I'm still learning Korean until now and really enjoy it. Hope I have a chance to visit Korea next year. Thank you Coursera, thank you Yonsei University, espicially thank you Professor Sang Mee Han.

By A

Apr 9, 2023

Learn to Speak Korean 1 adalah kursus yang sangat bermanfaat bagi pemula yang ingin mempelajari bahasa Korea. Materi pembelajaran dalam kursus ini dikemas dengan baik, mengajarkan keterampilan berbicara, membaca, dan menulis dalam bahasa Korea secara sistematis. Pendekatan pembelajaran yang berfokus pada keterampilan berbicara memberikan pengalaman langsung dalam berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Korea sejak awal, yang membantu dalam membangun kepercayaan diri dalam berbicara dalam situasi sehari-hari.

Materi pembelajaran kursus ini menggunakan beragam sumber, seperti buku teks, audio, dan video, yang memberikan variasi dalam pembelajaran dan membantu dalam memahami berbagai aspek bahasa Korea, termasuk kosakata, tata bahasa, dan pengucapan. Selain itu, adanya interaksi dengan instruktur dan sesama peserta kursus melalui latihan praktis, tugas, dan diskusi, membantu dalam mempraktikkan bahasa Korea dalam situasi nyata dan meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara dan mendengar.

Satu hal yang saya sangat hargai dari kursus ini adalah penekanan pada budaya Korea dan pengenalan tentang adat istiadat, kebiasaan sosial, serta norma budaya Korea. Hal ini membantu saya untuk lebih memahami konteks budaya dalam penggunaan bahasa Korea dan memperluas pemahaman saya tentang budaya Korea secara keseluruhan.

Namun, seperti halnya dengan banyak kursus bahasa, terkadang ketersediaan sumber daya tambahan, seperti latihan tambahan atau dukungan tambahan dari instruktur, mungkin bisa ditingkatkan. Selain itu, perlu diingat bahwa kemajuan dalam belajar bahasa Korea memerlukan waktu, latihan, dan konsistensi, jadi siswa harus bersiap untuk menghadapi tantangan dan berkomitmen untuk belajar secara aktif.

Secara keseluruhan, Learn to Speak Korean 1 adalah kursus yang direkomendasikan untuk pemula yang ingin mempelajari bahasa Korea secara sistematis. Dengan pendekatan yang berfokus pada keterampilan berbicara, pengenalan budaya Korea, dan beragam materi pembelajaran, kursus ini dapat membantu siswa memulai perjalanan mereka dalam mempelajari bahasa Korea dengan baik

By Sara M d

Jul 21, 2021

After almost two weeks, spending 2-4 hours per day, I have finished the course.

It was a pleasant experience. I knew previously to enroll how Yonsei University structures its courses, but this one was more likable than the first I took (First Step to Korean).

The materials provided were quite useful, specifically the workbook. Love it. Easy and short, but perfect to summarize the lesson. Also, the vocabulary list was superb. The variety of dialogues, scenarios, and accents from the students and professor was useful.

If I must complain about something, it would be the briefness of the videos and workbook. If they could extend both, it would be fantastic.

A little tip for those who are doubtful to enroll in the course or just as a studying tip for everyone is to record yourself during the pronunciation practice and dialogues. You would learn and practice your speaking, at the same time you will memorize the sentence structure, when, and how to use it. Another tip would be, make your own sentences taking as reference the ones provided in the videos and workbook. You will play with the words, and structure, making it easier for you to memorize them.

I would 100% recommend it. If you know how to write and read Hangeul, some basic concepts of grammar, and a little vocabulary, this course is perfect for you if you want to learn and delve into more grammatical concepts, vocabulary, and everyday conversations. It is perfect for those who just want to review some basic concepts too.

And, that's it.

By Angelina S

Aug 24, 2021

amaaaazing plus its all free please make another one <3

* but i do have something tiny to suggest, using students as...what do you call it? okay "people who pronounce the example sentences"... yeah not a very good idea. i understand miss sang mee han even at 2x speed when she speaks korean because i understand korean when its pronounced right, courtesy of kdramas, but the students' pronounciation? it sounds so unnatural that i always had to look at the subtitles in korean to understand what they were trying to say. one of them, (she mentioned she's from japan, osaka if my memory serves me right) i feel like her pronounciation was the closest to a A native speaker, michael(from LA?) wasn't too far behind as well. hopefully we can have example sentences by native speakers next time, or advanced speakers who are fluent and have good pronounciation. thank you!

By Garay Y A

Jan 26, 2022

Fue una de las mejores experiencias que pude haber experimentado en el aprendizaje. Cada clase fue entretenida, no tuve problemas en entender cada objetivo de la clase, ni problema en resolver los temas. La profesora fue clara y explicaba muy bien, las traducciones en los materiales fueron de vital ayuda, me permitió comprender en cuestión de minutos a la perfección cada tarea a realizar. Los audios al final de cada lección fueron muy fáciles, el hecho de la repetición de todo el módulo antes de hacer el examen brinda la disposición a la interpretación auditiva y oral. Avance mucho, y estoy muy agradecida ya que en mi situación aprendo sin tener una interacción con algún profesor y ha sido así durante unos años. Tengo experiencia en cuanto reconocer una clase de calidad y está es una de esas. lo aproveche y disfrute al máximo.

By Deleted A

Mar 11, 2022

It was so useful and I learned a lot. I think this is an excellent online course in Korean language. Especially in this coronavirus situation I am very thankful to Yonsei University for offering this online course in Korean language. It helps with the stay in Korea, but I feel more safe being able to study online. I was so suprised at how useful it was. And it is all so well presented and easy to understand. Everything well explained. I am so happy I found this course. I think it gives a good foundation in Korean language. The professor is excellent, too. And a good teacher of Korean language. I recommend this course~ Thank you, professor Sang Mee Han and Yonsei University~ෆ🌸☺️💗 I think everything was perfect.

By Mae S

Nov 29, 2020

I'm glad I took this course as my first lesson in learning the Korean language. The modules cover important lessons that will be handy whether you want to just get around Korea comfortably as a traveler or take your practice to the next level. I like how all the modules and exercises were practical for simple conversations and how the grammar structures were introduced - not overwhelming and designed with usefulness and challenge levels in mind. I find that it is best complemented with other learning methods such as videos and podcasts that help one become more familiar with vocabulary and practical use of the grammar taught in the modules.

By Wayland C

Mar 17, 2021

This course is fantastic. I have learnt so much about Korean, the language and the people. Now I need to consolidate my understanding by going through the course material. Although I have to say that the Quiz is a bit too easy, not that I got 100% right in all, it could be made more challenging. I would like to thank Professor San Mee Hang for her effort. Her teaching style is just right and I greatly appreciate that. I hope I could visit Korea in a not distant future. Meanwhile, I will keep learning and practise as much as possible. I am looking for other Korean course in the future. Keep up with the great and good work.

By M

Mar 6, 2022

Thank you YONSEI UNIVERSITY for organising the online korean language learning programme.I found the study material very comprehensive and unique with detailed examples in conversation..which is what language is all about. I would like to thank our instructor Madam Sang Mee Han who made the learning process more enjoyable by her sweet voice.her presentation skills made the tough conversations seemed very fliud...Congratulations to COURSERA team for the success of korean language learning program..Looking forward to more Korean language programme in the next months.

By Lucas F B C

Oct 15, 2021

es muy bueno , me ayudo a entender temas que no podía estudiar por mi cuenta , muy agradable los videos de enseñanza y los estudiantes que se presentan en el. ya que son estudiantes extranjeros y esto ayuda a escuchar como suena la diferencia de un extranjero y un nativo al pronunciar el idioma coreano. Y, además la profesora es muy profesional y muy agradable de escuchar, la explicación es muy buena y siempre me hizo sentir muy cómodo en clases. muchas gracias por ofrecer este curso. me ayudo y lo disfrute mucho.

(me agradaría mucho si existieran mas niveles.)