May 15, 2020
Its a very good course for beginners who have an idea of how to read and write hangeul the examples and demonstrations were easy to understand and remember. This also gives you a good vocabulary base!
Aug 31, 2021
Perfectly explained in each short videos. Learnt a lot of the basic grammars, vocab and phonetics. Now, just need to practice speaking it out loud. =) Hope to have "learn to speak korean 2" though. =)
By hilda 8 h
•Sep 12, 2023
If you want learn Korean Languange for beginning, i should recomended this for you COURSERA-YONSEI UNVERSITY (LEARN SPEAK KOREAN 1), you will get the great,awesome and faboulus lesson and the teacher explain the module very details, im sure you will understand as soon as possible, i really enjoy this class
By Ritika P
•May 21, 2020
The course is really beneficial with multiple ways to help enhance your speaking listening and understanding skills in korean. All the time and effort was worth it with live examples and additional material like the workbooks and vocabulary lists you can access for free. Truly a good course worth the time.
By Laura M F
•Feb 1, 2021
I still can't believe I got to study Korean for free! It was very useful and I learned a lot. The videos are complete, entertaining and easy to understand, and there were a lot of additional information (which you can download) to have more knowledge and improve! I am more than satisfied. Totally recommend!
By Cosmas R R
•Dec 4, 2020
This course is great to start learning how to speak in Korean. The teacher very well delivers the lesson and the materials are very helpful for study by yourself. I definitely can start to speak Korean a little. I really hope there will be Learn to Speak Korean 2 from Yonsei University. Thank you very much.
By Frances A
•May 17, 2020
This is a great introductory course to Korean language. It definitely enhanced my speaking skills, accent, and proper intonation when communicating. Can serve as a guide to the needed conversations of daily interactions with people. Vocabularies taught are also helpful and useful. Very well paced and clear.
By Archana K
•Feb 7, 2018
I enjoyed every session of it as it really helped me in learning the basics of how to speak in Korean and I am so excited that there is another course being introduced this summer. I am looking forward to it. I would also like to thank Professor Sang Mee Han and all the mentors for this course.
By Appiah S
•Feb 20, 2018
Very comprehensive and educative course for korean learners. I built my confidence with the language through this course. I strongly recommend this course to anyone willing to study the korean language, I wish they add more modules or open another course which will entail more of grammar lesson. Thank you
By Hacini B
•Jun 9, 2022
thank you for your course, thank you all especially the teacher and the students of course , because of you i could say that i can speak korean a little bit and i do have basis on it, it would be great if you offered another courses with different levels in korean language .thank again yousei university
By Trixia S U
•Jan 15, 2021
This class is very helpful. The pacing is just enough for someone like me with a busy schedule. The topics are really helpful for everyday scenarios. Just a head's up, you need to know how to read and write hangeul if you want to take this course nevertheless it is very helpful for beginners. :) 이 한국 수업ㄴ
By Hana A
•May 19, 2020
well, first of all I very much enjoyed all the lessons!
I started learning korean alone, and my pace was not organized as I didn't know from where to start, but now as I studied this program at now I feel like I have almost all the basics to persue learning the korean language.
선생님 감사합니다. 수업을 너무 재미 있어요!
By Aracely Z C
•Apr 28, 2022
I took the First Step Korean before this course, and taking this course has improved my korean! I still consider this language a very challenging one, but I've enjoyed learning it and hope to continue learning this beautiful language :) Thank you for making such dynamic classes with lots of excersises.
By Mutaeva I S
•Aug 23, 2020
It is a helpful and interesting course, contains the necessary vocabulary and grammar for beginners. This course is informative, the structure of the lessons is simple and easy to learn, the videos are short and entertaining. It’s a great introduction to the Korean.Thank you for the interesting course!
By Drocel J L M
•Oct 20, 2020
The course was very informative. It helped me a lot in expanding my vocabulary and grammar (which is the most difficult). The professor has good command of the English language. I want to appear as well in the videos like other foreigners. I hope to study in work in Korea someday. God bless you all.
By Javlon R
•Sep 13, 2020
Assalomu alaykum! Faxr bilan O`zbekcha gapiraman chunki meni bepu ta`lim olishimda yaqindan ko`mak bergan innovatsiya va strategiya markaziga o`z minnatdorchiligimni bildiraman!Albatta ko`rishib suhbatlashak koreys tilida o`zim to`grimda so`zlab beraman! barcha tashkilotchilarga rahmat deb qolaman!!!
By kalina m
•Jul 3, 2020
i’m going to miss doing this course every week. it was such a fun and easy to navigate course. although i have so much to learn, it helped me get a better understanding of korean grammar. thank you for making this course and having practical everyday examples in both the lessons and the exercises! :)
By Lulu g
•Mar 29, 2021
Me gustó mucho el curso, se me hizo muy práctico, y los videos la tareas y los exámenes me ayudaron mucho a tener una idea de como expresarse en el idioma coreano, se que me falta mucho por aprender pero su cultura y su idioma me gustan mucho . Gracias por permitirme aprender de este idioma . 감사합니다
By Débora C
•Jun 5, 2020
Excelente curso online, fácil de entender y permite practicar las habilidades orales y auditivas aunque no se encuentre otra persona a mi lado enseñándome.
Definitivamente aprendí bastante y espero ponerlo en práctica al momento de viajar.
Muchas gracias también por hacer de este un curso gratuito.
By Finn
•Nov 24, 2022
This course is a suitable learning tool for someone expecting to improve his/her Korean skills after learning the alphabet hangul. There are numerous easy-to-understand real-life examples, as well as a fair amount of new vocabulary. The teacher and students are kind and nice. Highly recommended.
By yesenia
•Jul 18, 2022
It was a great experience to learn with these videos, I feel that I have greatly improved my ability to speak, read and listen. The videos are interesting I like the way they teach, you don't get bored and you use everything you learn in the previous classes, so it's like a review in each class.
By Maria B T d S
•Aug 1, 2021
O curso foi excelente, com uma didática impecável que me fez entender diversas coisas rapidamente. Estou muito grata por ter encontrado um curso tão bom e acessível e assim que conseguir vou adquirir o certificado. Obrigada pela dedicação e esforço dos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento do curso!
By Muriel L
•May 1, 2020
I love how this course has all the parts needed to learn - vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. I found the grammar points very, very helpful. The course pace and format is also easy to follow. I really hope there will be other courses like this (like a level 2 and 3). It would be so helpful.
By Lluvia M S T
•Jul 22, 2022
Es excelente, es un curso muy completo que a pesar de constar de 6 semanas aprendes muchísimas cosas que te ayudan a ir mejorando en el lenguaje Coreano. Lo amé fue una experiencia inolvidable que en el futuro cuando ya viv en corea les platicaré a mis amigos como es que inicié con el idioma :D
By Dawna L F
•Oct 11, 2020
This course, the instructor and student have been the biggest help to me. I have been studying Korean for the past 3 years but this course helped immensely in connecting all my unanswered questions at a very comfortable speed. I wish I had found it earlier but happy that I found it nonetheless.
By Ririn K
•Dec 25, 2024
“Learn to Speak Korean 1“은 한국어 초보 학습자들에게 매우 유익한 강의입니다. 이 과정은 기본 문법, 발음, 그리고 실생활에서 사용할 수 있는 간단한 표현들을 중심으로 구성되어 있어, 처음 한국어를 배우는 사람들에게 적합합니다. 수업은 명확하고 체계적으로 진행되며, 발음 연습과 대화 예제를 통해 실질적인 언어 능력을 키울 수 있습니다. 또한, 자막과 추가 학습 자료가 제공되어 학습자들이 자신의 속도에 맞춰 공부할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 한국어를 배우고 싶은 분들에게 적극 추천합니다! 🥰🫰🏻📝📚
•Sep 28, 2023
The lessons are easy to follow and well-structured. The teacher does a good job combining various elements of language learning, such as grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening, and pronounciation. I like that she incorporates practical scenarios and phrases that are used in everyday life.