May 17, 2021
Exceptional course. Dr Steve has explained all concepts in very practical and logical ways, and kept it very concise and eloquent. It is engaging and interesting to watch and incredibly informative.
Jun 14, 2020
Great course to understand the situation, your mind, and how you can help others! Thank you so much for putting it together. I find it very helpful even now when we are almost half year in COVID-19
•Jul 26, 2020
It provides various information about covid 19 ans it's very helpful
By Muhammad Z
•Jul 19, 2020
It helped me for understanding how to control mind to reduce anxiety
By Amrath K A
•Jul 15, 2020
It was really a good experience for me thank you teachers for this .
By Pradnya Y W
•Jul 12, 2020
It's good course for guidance in covide 19 disease & health of human
By Lynne D
•Jan 4, 2022
I very much enjoyed the course, the professor and his presentation.
•Jun 25, 2021
course if brilliantly built up with pleasant, soothing presentation
•Mar 24, 2021
Very helpful and informative. Thank you for creating this course 💓
By Danish J
•Nov 25, 2020
Thank you... Coursera.. ND faculty ...to learn us.. better things..
By Veronica W S
•Nov 11, 2020
The course was very helpful and important during this pandemic time
By Eva L M
•Nov 7, 2020
Thank you for this course! Really well explained and transmitted :)
By A N F
•Sep 24, 2020
A very well explained course. Much needed in these difficult times.
By Geneths R
•Sep 15, 2020
We informative. great help during this pandemic! thank you so much!
By Atia A
•Jul 24, 2020
this course is really helpful for fighting this pandemic situation.
•Jul 14, 2020
General knowledge questions is so good am learning more about this.
By Paolo G
•Jul 6, 2020
Thank you so much for the lessons, I've learned a lot from this! <3
By Keiko O
•Apr 19, 2020
Great information. I learned how to spend my time during covid19.
By Aaron L
•Jun 24, 2021
Very informative course. I like how practical it is for right now.
By Dr.S.Asha
•Mar 29, 2021
It's very useful to us...thanking you for giving this oppurtunity.
By Melanie N
•Mar 12, 2021
Wonderful course and delivery. Throughly enjoyed and learned a lot
By Rosa F S
•Nov 25, 2020
The professor is excellent !!! thanks for sharing your knowledge!
By Karthik M
•Oct 26, 2020
Excellent Presentation and course to take on during this Pandemic.
By Grace R
•Oct 6, 2020
This is a really great course, especially in this time of pandemic
By Shivam R
•Sep 30, 2020
The course is very beneficial and also helps in stress management.
•Aug 12, 2020
It's very useful and very interesting.Thank you for your guidance.
By sidra m
•Jun 25, 2020
I really enjoyed taking this course. It is very helpful. Thankyou!