May 17, 2021
Exceptional course. Dr Steve has explained all concepts in very practical and logical ways, and kept it very concise and eloquent. It is engaging and interesting to watch and incredibly informative.
Jun 14, 2020
Great course to understand the situation, your mind, and how you can help others! Thank you so much for putting it together. I find it very helpful even now when we are almost half year in COVID-19
By Diane O
•Oct 11, 2021
Just the course we all need this year!! Thank you Steve!
By kim c
•Sep 15, 2021
loved it! very informative and useful. great presenter!
By João P V G
•Jun 13, 2021
I really enjoyed this course! Thank you for all the tips!
By David M
•Apr 29, 2021
Great topics with easy explanations!
Now, the work begins!
By Katherine W
•Feb 7, 2021
Superb course at a time when most of us need a life line.
By Anastasia S
•Nov 19, 2020
Really helpful! The instructor was calm and professional
By Anita S
•Nov 18, 2020
actually this course is good even its a little bit boring
By Sana
•Aug 7, 2020
excellent lecture and clear understanding of every aspect
By Azizul h
•Jun 13, 2020
Give me certificate
My Gmail is- azizulhoquenef@gmail.com
By Rupinder
•Jun 30, 2021
Interesting, helpful, knowledgeable, interesting skills.
By Gaylia O
•Dec 22, 2020
Very informative, easy to follow while also challenging.
By Nadya S
•Dec 8, 2020
The material is very easy to understand and very useful.
•Nov 5, 2020
I know how to manage my mental health after the activity
By Yashita P
•Sep 27, 2020
Excellent course about mental health during this crisis.
By Amirthavalli R
•Sep 26, 2020
I have submitted assaighment when will i get certificate
By Douglas B
•Sep 4, 2020
It was a fast pace of 2hrs for me to complete the class.
By Karonaa R
•Aug 20, 2020
In this time, it is a very useful course for many of us.
By AlBatool M A
•Aug 2, 2020
Very enlightening <3
Enjoyed this course wholeheartedly.
By Aman T
•Jul 31, 2020
it's good education to protect our self on pandamic time
By Jenneth C P
•Jul 29, 2020
Very interesting! I learned many thing from this course!
By Sandra B C
•Jun 29, 2020
Thoroughly enjoyed this informative and relevant class!!
By Vidya B
•Jun 17, 2020
very simple and appropriate course for present situation
By Elinor F
•Apr 24, 2020
Can i have a certification of completion for this course
By Roy W
•Nov 3, 2021
A relatively short and to the point course. I liked it.