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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Marketing in a Digital World by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

16,984 ratings

About the Course

This course examines how new digital tools, such as the Internet, smartphones, and 3D printing, are revolutionizing the world of marketing by changing the roles and practices of both firms and consumers. Marketing in a Digital World is one of the most popular courses on Coursera with over 500,000 learners and is rated by Class Central as one of the Top 50 MOOCs of All Time ( You will be able to: • Understand how digital tools are changing the nature of marketing • Explain how digital tools allow consumers to take a more active role in product development, promotion, placement, and pricing activities • Obtain a new set of concepts, tools, and stories to enhance your digital marketing efforts This course is part of Gies College of Business’ suite of online programs, including the iMBA and iMSM. Learn more about admission into these programs and explore how your Coursera work can be leveraged if accepted into a degree program at

Top reviews


Dec 16, 2020

Really interesting & thought-provoking course. I'm hoping that Aric Rindfleisch will teach further classes within the Digital Marketing specialisation. Thank you for the insightful lectures, Aric!


Jul 22, 2019

I am a Head of Marketing, Sales and Terminal Business in a LPG company in Pakistan i am sure my learning through this course will increase my knowledge in skills for maximum operational efficiencies.

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4401 - 4425 of 5,345 Reviews for Marketing in a Digital World



May 4, 2020

Honestly, when I started this course I had no idea about the impact of the overall course & things related to digital marketing. I thought this would be a mere certification online course, nothing specific or impactful things would be learnt. But When I started then I realized this course is going to change my idea of digital marketing & will help me to learn things beyond my expectation. When I completed the course, I fond myself significantly equipped with knowledge of digital marketing tools. Now I believe, I would be able to put together my idea of marketing in the digital platform for my organization. I hope I would use this in my future endeavours. Though I think discussion forum could have been better, it only responds for posts related to assignment review. I would love to see this platform is being used for content discussion for more serious & fruitful learning experience.

Finally, I thank the course Instructor for such a wonderful mode of instruction.

By Andrea W


Aug 6, 2020

This was a great introduction to digital marketing. The course was well-organised with a good variety of reading, video, lectures, and assignments. The instructor did a great job.

I have two reasons for not giving it 5 stars. First is that it was a little too superficial. I would have appreciated a little more depth to the course and a little more work. I realise it was an intro course but even as an intro course, I felt it didn't really have enough substance.

The other reason is the discussion forums. I would have appreciated having a forum to really discuss some of the class topics, but the forum was only filled with students asking other students to grade their work. Maybe it could be made more clear to students that the peer reviews will be automatically generated and that the forums should be used to discuss class content. Perhaps boards could be set up that are dedicated to specific topics related to class content.

But overall this was a good course.

By Andrew L


Dec 7, 2016

I really enjoyed the course as a primer to how firms are using new digital technology to change the traditional marketing mix. The materials were well organized, easy to follow and helpful in learning the theories presented. The content was great.

One element of the course structure I don't care for is the peer graded assignments. I completed the four week course in 7 days (I was on vacation), but I've had to wait three more weeks for everyone else to catch up with me so I can grade their assignments. (You can't progress until you've graded three other students.) I also do not like that the grading is not blind, so you know exactly how your peers graded you and they know how you graded them. Not sure that merits the most honest grading results. If you grade someone honestly and they feel it was unfair or harsh, they may grade you harshly the next time. A blind system would allow honest feedback and ensure more truthful grading.

By Howard T


Aug 5, 2020

I was expecting a little bit more rigorous course, but the information provided and the way it was taught was refreshing. The professor was great and I look forward to enjoying future classes with him. My biggest caveat are the peer-based reviews. The fact that course is being offered around the world, the English language barrier does create some issues. I had situations where I clearly and fully answered questions and was given a one point rating for the answer. Or there were times when I answered a question in detail and they had a different opinion, so they only gave 1 or 2 points for the answer. If these classes were based on a grade-rating like traditional classes, that could really be a point of contention moving forward with the program.

By Melissa F


Dec 17, 2018

The course was pretty interesting. It takes care of the basic idea of online marketing. What I didn't like is that everything was a bit outdated. The newest academics insights are from 2013. I'm not an english native, but I understood every video and text in the course.

One thing I wanted to critizise are the results of the weekly test. You need a certain amount of percent to pass the test and the site shows you the questions that didn't have the right the answer. However, it didn't show you the correct answer to the question, which was sad because there is no learning effect to it, if I don't know which answer was the right one. So that's something that I would on improve in the future.

By Anastasia M


Feb 6, 2019

The course content is easy to follow, the deadlines are reasonable and no prior knowledge of marketing or whatsoever is required. The assignments are easy to complete. However, some of them did not make much of a sense for me, in terms of necessity for understanding the course material.

Also, the videos are old-fashioned with bad lighting. However, the sound quality is sufficient. The soundtrack for the videos is annoying as well as overall style and composition of the video.

As the course is quite old, the content of videos in some lectures is outdated. It would be nice to see some updated material.

By Eva D


Oct 14, 2016

I find the information provided here to be very spot-on, clear and transparent, innovative and interesting. Yet, I would have loved it if it were the professor of the course the one who checked and graded our assignments, as there would be less chances that ge'd be biast. Anyways, I understand the whole idea and the fact that one cannot check all the assignments submitted in here, as there are maybe thousands of them :).

In conclusion, I found it very interesting and challenging, therefore I am about to begin Course no. 2 from this Digital Marketing Specialisation course. Thanks and cheers!

By Carlos A B P


Nov 6, 2021

El curso integra conceptos asociados al Marketing donde se ve expuesto de manera apropiada para que el estudiante pueda recibir la información que requiere. Es bastante intuitivo en la manera de explicar y aún así la exposición de casos reales adicional con ejemplos de organizaciones que se encuentran establecida en el mundo.

Este curso da a los estudiantes un amplio enfoque en cuanto al entorno que se refleja actualmente y esto como va a cambiar en unos años a futuro. Siendo de esto algo trascendental de lo que es hoy a un futuro; las cosas que vemos y aún así aquellas que consumimos.

By Muzzammil M


Oct 24, 2017

This course is perfect for all those individuals who want to learn how businesses can incorporate digital media and use it to their benefit, and how it is impacting the 4Ps of marketing. I particularly liked the peer-graded assignments and exercises as they provided a lot of exposure and insight into how different platforms can aid a business in improving its operations. A few negatives include the presence of some outdated teaching material as well as the peer grading system which taints the authenticity of the certificate earned. Other than that, it was an awesome experience!

By Julia W


Nov 13, 2019

Very good course with a lot of cases and insights. The informations were very easily given – I like, that the key aspects were repeated a few times in every part of the course. The only thing I would improve is the timeliness of the articles and external materials used. Some of them were from the 2012 for example and in such a rapidly changing industry as digital marketing, more up-to-date materials would be more valuable. But in general – the course was very valuable for me and and I will be pleased to reach for more courses in this specialization.

By Zhao C


Jun 26, 2020

My first course on Coursera. Enjoy it very much since it lays a great foundation for beginners in marketing by introducing some trendy phenomenon and concepts alongside with up-to-date academic insights. This is a really useful course for people who know a little bit about marketing and want to make their knowledge systematic. There are some things I don't like though, for example, the exercise is too course-oriented. The questions are designed to test whether you have watched the courses instead of whether you really understand the content.

By Téja F


Jun 15, 2020

This course is much needed for every student or person in general, that is interested in Marketing in 2020.

it enables you to fully understand the transition from traditionnal marketing to digital marketing in the new digital era and explains the way digital tools completely changed the marketing world and revolutionized it's techniques. Even though I am not a native English speaker ( it's my third languages) , it was easy for me to understand and follow the lectures, as every lesson is well explained and accompanied with real examples.

By stephanie s


Sep 28, 2016

The concepts are excellent, but I was a little taken back that the content examples, required reading and/or case studies were dated. Perhaps the best research and case studies are 4-5 years old. I thoroughly enjoyed reading them and learning from them. I guess the reason I didn't give the course 5 stars is because I expect at least one reading or case study pre module (ideally) to be published within the last 12 months. Overall it was really fun and informative and I will be taking more classes. All the best...Stephanie Schreurs

By Omer B


Sep 25, 2016

I am very satisfied with this course!

I'm not a native english speaker, though it was very clear and comfortable to deal with the course and to understand the material.

I feel that I gained relevant and important knowledge.

The only "weakness" I see in this course is that it's not challenging enough. The requirements are a bit too low, the quiz level is too easy and it can be retaken with no limit. Thus, It feels that everyone can get the certification without putting too much effort - and that lowers the course value.

By Stan P


Sep 16, 2020

Very Interesting course. The topics covered are very relevant and useful. There are a lot of cases studies so that also gives a certain insight to the practical implementation of the topic.


During the lecture certain topics are mentioned but only 2 are elaborated on. I wish all the topics were elaborate on.

Some of the topics were skimmed through. It would have been better to get more knowledge possibly in-depth knowledge into the subject matter.

Overall it was a great course & quite a refresher.

By Esteban R C


May 13, 2020

The assignments, the teacher's way of explaining and the resources given to the students are superb! You can understand everything very easily and the course won't be difficult to pass.

The only thing I didn't like about the course was the tests, as they were very easy to get through, with simple questions that people could respond, even without watching the videos or reading the articles. This could mean that some people could pass the course without learning very important things from the course.

By Kadri S


Dec 31, 2020

This course was very useful - modules covered the basics of digital marketing and gave a good insight into the topic. Also quite eye-opening to me as many of the issues covered I had not really thought about before. I enjoyed the video lectures, quizzes, but especially peer-graded assignments! The only criticism I would have, is that all the case studies were of American companies. As this is an international course, there could be at least one case study about a company that is not from the US.

By Salma R


May 30, 2020

Overall a few concepts introduced gave me insights into the digital arena regarding marketing that would help me to teach to my students as well! The reading material and references should be a bit more recent. The concepts covered under each module were quite limited. They should be broadened. The grading system has its own weaknesses. For instance if i m getting 3 from two people, the rationale given by the third person of answers being too long is not justified into awarding 1 point!

By Valeria P


Feb 22, 2016

I really enjoyed this course and I liked the variety of videos as well as "special lessons" with professionals from different fields.

The exercises supported studies and gave better understanding of the tools.

However, I believe some of the lessons (or videos) were a bit off from topic or gave too much focus on the issues that, I believe, are not that much related to the course purpose. (e.g. too much of 3D printing).

Overall, it is a great course and I was pleased to participate in it!

By Nicolay K


Sep 23, 2019

Very well structured course, fulfilled my expectations to present current topics in digital marketing and the 4Ps without covering too much or too little, with lots of good readings and activities. Professor Aric is very authentic and I was glad he included scientific research topics into the course (his own and those of others as well). However, I was not very excited watching the on-campus interviews with marketing students, in my opinion these do not contribute to the teaching.

By Wai P


Jul 16, 2018

Honest, I didn't expect too much from this course . But found out I didn't aware a lot of things in marketing world especially related to digital . You will learn bunch of new things from this course and catch up the modern digital marketing . It's very interesting that some topic will be presented by business case. It's very worthy course for your time. But I couldn't find apps to test which is mention in last module and paste is a little bit fast for non native speakers.

By Jamuna M


Oct 31, 2015

Loved this course. It gave me a great introduction to current concepts and trends in Digital Marketing. I was especially impressed by 3D Printers. I hope to visit a hub in my own city soon to try it out!

Only suggestion is reduce the number of weekly workload. Too many assignments to complete in a single week! Most courses in Coursera give only one assignment per week. I was able to manage as this was a self-paced course. So this is not a complaint, just a suggestion :)

By Lorenzo A


Dec 1, 2017

El curso es muy bueno, sin embargo identifico como área de oportunidad el hecho de que no puedes avanzar o terminar algunas actividades hasta que otros usuarios no te hayan calificado (te califican otros alumnos, no instructores), algunas de las aplicaciones vistas ya no existen y otras están disponibles solo en EEUU. De cualquier manera, sí recomiendo a otros interesados en el tema tomar el curso ya que sí invita a la reflexión y a ver los negocios desde otra óptica.

By Heckner M


Oct 9, 2020

Good content, great teacher. Very good to understand videos and scripts for follow up. I do also love the peer-review process. However, sometimes you realize that one or the other student shares his work (so at one exercise I had 3 identical publications to review. Some even seem not to understand the questions. That somehow leaves me with a bad feeling of how good the quality of the certification might be.

Anyhow, worthwhile to take the course, if you want to learn