Sep 14, 2019
Its a good course covering information about bitumen market, its specifications, properties, safety and much more. I would recommend this course to students and people working in road sectors.
Aug 5, 2020
This is a wonderful course with overview of the bitumen and its applications. If possible, please provide more time on development of master curves through DSR and MSCR test.
By Mohammad M A
•Jan 11, 2017
The course is really help full and it contains all the topics and things about bitumen, by taking this course I am sure you will never faced to problem relaying to bitumen.
By Fares H
•Jul 20, 2019
one of the best courses I've ever taken
it enhances my knowledge in asphalt work
I would like to thank every effort and every person helped to make this course work.
By Mohammad M
•May 21, 2018
Very useful and interesting course! I suggest all engineers and researchers to take this course as a good source for reviewing and improving their knowledge in this field.
By Jhonnier c l
•Nov 11, 2017
This MOOC seemed very nutritious for my knowledge since it is of great importance to know about this matter that is used when paving roads and its important concepts work methodology and what are its advantages and disadvantages when using this construction product, taking into account that we work at moderate tempeartures, look at all the chemical features that are presented this matter, and also look at the way that it is economical, presents a quality that can be resicables, so this course extends a lot the knowledge for me and I am very satisfied with this MOOC and its knowledge.
Thank you for your attention
By Dr. A M
•Aug 6, 2020
This is a wonderful course with overview of the bitumen and its applications.
If possible, please provide more time on development of master curves through DSR and MSCR test.
By Nehal T
•Jun 1, 2020
A very informative and comprehensive course that has helped me greatly in understanding the concepts of bitumen used in the Road construction.
By Haider S
•Jan 15, 2017
It's really interested and useful course for those highways engineers, specially whom involve in pavement design and implementation!
By Narkar s d
•Apr 29, 2020
Bitumen uses applications
Difference between bitumen and tar
Application amd procedure to use bitumen
By Yogesh A
•Jul 20, 2019
Worth a go. Best material for Transportation Engineer
By Shriram P M
•Apr 23, 2020
Very good knowledge given to understand the elementary essential basics of bituminous binders. The binding mechanism was also well explained in the course, also few major tests as per EN were discussed and revealed the significance of the same. Almost all the preliminary knowledge essential were provided. I recommend this course for all the professors, students and practitioners in the area of bituminous pavement.
By Gabriel M
•Oct 20, 2019
This course exceeded my expectations in many aspects. The course covers basic concepts about bitumen as well as complex topics related to the use of bitumen. The lecturers are highly experienced and qualified in the field of bitumen and transportation infrastructure. I highly recommend this course.
By Mariano N
•Nov 2, 2019
Curso bastante completo y con puntos de vista de personas que trabajan con el asfalto en diferentes ámbitos, desde el que lo produce, el que lo utiliza y desde lo académico. Buena puesta a punto de los avances tecnológicos y de los actuales desafíos a nivel de investigación.
By Erick O
•May 11, 2020
It was a nice experience and knowledge shared by various experienced staffs in the construction industry,it has build me so much especially on my current project ive been working on 'Recycling waste plastics for road construction'
Thankyou so much the TOTAL company
By Francesco L
•Jun 3, 2017
dedicated to people involved in road construction and quality control on roads. the expert are very well prepared and specialized on this topic. They are not academic, they have a strong on-field background that for this kind of knowledge represents an added value
By ledinhlam
•Oct 14, 2016
Through this course I have known more about the bitumen. And the information in this course really useful for my professional life. I really appreciate high of the knowledge that bring from this course. So I would like to thank Coursera and experts indeed.
By Otchere J O
•May 3, 2017
This course has been very helpful since am in the Oil and Gas industry where we sell bitumen. My knowledge has been broadened and i thank Ecole des ponts, Total and Coursera for that. Hoping you will develop a module on PAVEMENT DESIGN
By Peter M
•May 28, 2019
Ein hoch interessanter Kurs für alle interessant die im Bereich Straßenbau oder Baustoffprüfung arbeiten. Besonders interessant waren die Teile der gerade laufenden Forschungsarbeiten über zukünftige Bindemittel.
By Azhaginiyal
•Jul 18, 2018
This course helped me to get into greater details about bitumen and its associated topics. It was very clearly organised and executed. The transcripts helped in understanding the lecture much better. Thank you!!
By Raghuram K C
•Jun 3, 2020
I was looking for a forum that discussed the chemistry of bitumen and I have not been disappointed. Thanks to all the resource persons who shared their knowledge on bitumen, its production, and applications.
By alba c m
•May 25, 2018
I really enjoyed the course, it was easy to follow and I highly recommend to all the students that like topics related to petrochemical industry but also students that are interested in recycling.
By Mohd A
•Sep 15, 2019
Its a good course covering information about bitumen market, its specifications, properties, safety and much more. I would recommend this course to students and people working in road sectors.
By Santiago M
•May 8, 2020
This course provides essential information and research lectures about bitumen. Its very interesting and helped me as a civil engineer to fill those gaps about bitumen as a material.
•May 12, 2020
The course was very interesting and with many facts. I got through knowledge of the contents. All the speakers were excellent in knowledge and experience. Thank you.
By Abrar A
•Apr 16, 2020
I got to experience the best of the best of the best platform with such a huge knowledge all at one place in a true managed form. It was so effective to learn.
By Abhishek T
•May 6, 2020
Best course to learning about bitumens road and it general composition.
It's very useful in our life as well as best way to spread knowledge