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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mastering bitumen for better roads and innovative applications by École des Ponts ParisTech

1,278 ratings

About the Course

During the four coming weeks, best experts in bitumen will bring you their knowledge and experience to build a strong understanding of today’s realities and new perspectives on the future of bitumen. Total is the European leader on bitumen markets. Innovation has always been the key to sustainability and durability in the products they develop. Their main objective here is to share technical knowledge and experience to insure bitumen are being used in the most effective and efficient ways for their different applications in road works. Ecole des Ponts, France oldest engineering school, remains very much in the present, as it has always been, in training engineers in order to meet the needs of our society and citizens in key areas such as transport housing and urban services, but also in fields like energy, environment, climate sciences, land-use planning and sustainable development. Nineteen world recognized experts on bitumen are contributing to this MOOC. The idea is to provide the broadest prism on this topic area with speakers coming from research, industry and end users....

Top reviews


Sep 14, 2019

Its a good course covering information about bitumen market, its specifications, properties, safety and much more. I would recommend this course to students and people working in road sectors.


Aug 5, 2020

This is a wonderful course with overview of the bitumen and its applications. If possible, please provide more time on development of master curves through DSR and MSCR test.

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26 - 50 of 303 Reviews for Mastering bitumen for better roads and innovative applications

By rakshit j

Apr 20, 2020

it was an enjoyable journey of knowledge and special thanks to all team for providing all necessary data of bitumen easily

By Fouad s

Nov 10, 2020

I am very happy that I've successfully completed Mastering bitumen for better roads and innovative applications! And I would like to apply for Master's program in Civil Engineering offered by École des Ponts. I am a proud Civil Engineer. I am a very dedicated, disciplined, and intellectual person.

I had been recommended for École des Ponts and found it to be one of the best universities in France. So there was no doubt that this is where I would like to get my masters, not only was it the best university in France, but it had a program that had everything I was looking for.

Life in Lebanon has become very challenging in the past few years. Not only the Lebanese people are suffering from political instability, corruption, environmental pollution, absence of any basic life services (water, electricity, transport, clean food..), banks have also not been allowing people to access their money, the local currency has been falling tragically, we have an unprecedented increase in the prices of goods and services, but also; recently Beirut has suffered from one of the world’s biggest explosions, causing over 500 casualties and injuring over 5000 persons.

As young engineering with a lot of potential and energy to study, work, and build a future. For the next some years, Lebanon is no more a suitable place to live, grow, or nurture my potential in.

My desire to enrich my knowledge in civil engineering, my personal and professional experiences.


By Yateen L

Apr 7, 2021

It was an excellent course for all the learners and professionals. I personally could learn many new things that are being practiced in Europe, France and USA by transportation engineering professionals. I thank all the speakers for delivering their knowledge and experiences. I also would like to thank Coursera for initiating such unique course. I would like to learn more through similar such videos related to transportation/pavement engineering.

Yateen Lokesh

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, India

By Abdul M

Oct 6, 2022

This course is very helpful for me as my personal and professional gromming also. I realylove this course and also this plate form also. Before to join this course i did,t know the thing on bitumen and its applications and handling and other safty measures with worldclass faculty and seasoned experinced personnels. Thank all of you they make us this knowldgeful plateform for us, who have no asscess to the expansive education .

Thanks Again and love and greatings

By safeer h

Apr 28, 2022

The most comprehensive summary of Bitumen. As I am Doctoral student, I have seen first time such a comprehensive information all about bitumen in single course. I am expecting the course like this one related to comprehensive Aspahlt Mix Design (including all types with respect to history) and Pavement Structure Design (unbound materials, bonded materials , cement treated base etc).

All Modules were Awesome. Thanks Again all Instructors.

By Fazla Z A

Aug 22, 2020

Course improved my knowledge on bitumen history, characteristics and applications but their should be complete delivering of knowledge on modern techniques about Marshal stability and super pave. Its a good course covering information about bitumen market, its specifications, properties, safety and much more. I would recommend this course to students and people working in road sectors.

By Ignacio R Z

Jun 10, 2020

Es un curso muy bueno, que abarca todas las aristas del mundo del asfalto y a veces uno se especializa tanta en un área que se olvida el rol de los demás participantes. Me sirvió para repasar conceptos que si bien ya los conocía o los había escuchado, estos fueros reforzadas con la experiencias de los profesores. 100% recomendado

By Gandhar D S

Sep 18, 2020

Considering bitumen which is very important material considering road construction and other applications,this gives course most of aspect on this material such as chemistry and origin ,extraction process,applications,market potential,environmental impact.Thanks to all instructor who taught in this course.

By Alfonso E S A

Nov 15, 2020

excelente curso muy completo, aunque espere algo sobre el uso del ensayo Marshall y aspectos del diseño de carreteras por el método Shell, pero realmente es muy enriquecedor todo el conocimiento adquirido y el gran desempeño empleado por los creadores del MOCC.

By cristina a r

Nov 29, 2020

Thank you for the opportunity to re-learn bitumen. This MOOC is very informative and provides important chemistry basics related to bitumen. The phase and the content of each video/module is beneficial and the length of each video is acceptable for each topic.

By Muhammad F

Nov 23, 2021

This course presents A-Z of the bitumen. It starts right from origin including chemical composition, manufacturing, transportation, safety issues, applications, recycling and even gives sufficient info regarding potential alternatives of bitumen.

By Edgar S F C

Sep 23, 2020

I really enjoyed the course, it was really exciting to learn many innovative things about the use of bitumen and how important is this product for the sustainability, health of workers and the future of the road construction.

By Freire A P P

Dec 16, 2020

Este curso es espectacular para profundizar en los temas relacionados con el asfalto. Especialmente para aprender de nuevas tecnologías en desarrollo y que pueden ser de interés general para seguir profundizando.

By Bilal A L

Jul 7, 2020

I think , this is one of the best online courses one can get. The content is good and to the point. Good level for the understanding of the students. I thank all the faculty members for such a wonderful course.


Jul 26, 2020

I consider that the course is appropriate to synthesize the basic knowledge regarding the bitumen. I managed to polish my knowledge as a civil engineer dedicated to the paving industry.

By Hector D Q

Jul 24, 2020

I really liked the methodology of learning this course. All the contents are deeply interesting and they have provided me with a broader knowledge in road construction.

By Mohammad P

Jul 21, 2023

Hello, thank you for your efforts in the course. It was very useful and beautiful. I hope you will always be healthy and happy. Mohammad Pakzad from Iran.

By Adrian

Sep 6, 2020

Very very interesting course, you could learn more about bitumen and his specifications and his wonderful features, you need a little knowledge to pass.


Aug 17, 2020


By Ashish P

Sep 2, 2020

Very well organized course and too informative to get very deep points of the bituminous material, and use it in future to be a successful engineer..

By Aaron J J P

Feb 14, 2021

The course was prepared well and it gives a good understanding for anyone who wants to have a basic understanding on bituminous pavements.

By Mohd M

Jul 9, 2020

I got a lot of knowledge about the bitumen from the well faculty members of this course. I thank all of them for such a wonderful course.

By Moulay Y B

Jan 7, 2024

Excellent. You will get a comprehensive view of the history, properties, and applications of bitumen in this richly condensed course.

By Stanzin C

Aug 3, 2020

Firstly i would like to thank Coursera for providing such a informational course for free to us. It was really beneficial . Thank you

By Anirudh M

Jun 16, 2020

A fabulous course to understand the insights of Bitumen. Must be opted by all who wish to understand the applications of bitumen.