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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Rehearsing Music Ensembles by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

414 ratings

About the Course

Learn and practice the basic principles of running an effective music ensemble rehearsal. Techniques and strategies are applicable to a variety of ensembles, including bands, orchestras, choirs, and chamber groups....

Top reviews


Sep 10, 2017

This was an interesting and very useful course. Directors responsible for rehearsing ensembles will enjoy learning techniques, and even experienced conductors will benefit from revision and sharing.


Aug 8, 2019

Greate course to show the bassics of conducting. Also you get a lot of ideas for beign a better teacher as many things on aproaching an ensemble can be apllied to an instrument class.

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1 - 25 of 147 Reviews for Fundamentals of Rehearsing Music Ensembles

By Ricardo S R


Aug 9, 2019

Greate course to show the bassics of conducting. Also you get a lot of ideas for beign a better teacher as many things on aproaching an ensemble can be apllied to an instrument class.

By Sushil M


Jan 30, 2019

This is a Great course useful for a training purpose, also helps every Classically Musician or Musician of other Genres to get a broad generalist working knowledge in Conducting.

By Alvis Z


Apr 14, 2017

It is definitely the best online musical course that I've ever taken. The professor is so great that he makes the video very interesting. Plenty of content and knowledge are coved in this course. I learned a lot of basic conducting skills which are fundamental to my dream of being an orchestral conductor. I strongly recommend you to take this course.

By Rui d C M F


Apr 12, 2021


Olá, sou aluno do quarto período do curso Técnico em Regência da Escola de Música da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte em Natal, Brasil.

Quero agradecer e parabenizar a Universidade da Carolina do Norte em Chapel Hill por este excelente projeto de ensino.

Os Princípios Básicos para Ensaios de Grupos Musicais, veio enriquecer meus conhecimentos de regência Coral e Orquestral.

Em nome do Maestro e Dr. Evan Feldman, quero cumprimentar e parabenizar a todos que, direta ou indiretamente, contribuíram para que este trabalho fosse realizado. Destaco aqui os maestros convidados, trazendo informações importantíssimas para o nosso desenvolvimento na regência e na condução dos ensaios e os músicos das Bandas de Música que auxiliaram nas aulas práticas.

Parabéns a todos! Obrigado.


Hello, I am a student in the fourth period of the Technical Course in Conducting at the School of Music at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Natal, Brazil. I want to thank and congratulate the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for this excellent teaching project. The Basic Principles for Rehearsing Musical Groups, enriched my knowledge of Choral and Orchestral conducting. On behalf of Maestro and Dr. Evan Feldman, I would like to congratulate and congratulate everyone who, directly or indirectly, contributed to this work being carried out. I highlight here the guest conductors, bringing very important information for our development in conducting and conducting the rehearsals and the musicians from the Music Bands who helped in the practical classes. Congratulations to all of you! Thanks.

By Miriam B


Mar 22, 2018

I was music major - vocal performance - 20 years ago and didn't touch music for about 15 years until recently when I was tapped to be the MD for our local, 8-18 community musical theater program. Last year, I literally had to rely on the one conducting course I had taken 20 years ago to get me through conducting our reduced 12 piece orchestration. This course was just what I needed to get back on track.

The course is very well taught and it was actually enjoyable to complete each week. Having not been in academia for 20 years, I had forgotten just what types of questions would be on quizzes but I quickly was able to get back into the groove. I definitely recommend this course - it was clearly created with the intent of being as helpful as possible and it is easy to see the level of care taken to create something that is truly useful and yet very accessible. My ONLY disappointment (as this is my first online course) is that I sort-of feel like I know the professors now, but they have no idea who I am and never will.

Thank you for a wonderful course!

By Cooke H


Oct 17, 2015

At first I wondered how could there be so much to know about rehearsing ensembles. All info except a bit is valid for all ensembles from a rock group to orchestra. Dr Evan Feldman is a pleasure as an instructor as he has passion, a good delivery and lots of experience and knowledge. I liked the actual rehearsal videos as he put to practice the techniques, I only wished we could have seen the same in the choral and orchestra segments as opposed to just a dialogue with the also very knowledgeable conductors. This was professionally done and the info is so very important. I took the course as I am part of several ensembles but recently joined a university orchestra and this opened my eyes up to the process which had seemed hap hazard but clearly was not, Macro - micro, phrasing work, intonation,sectional work etc all have their place during the rehearsal.

By Julia K W


Feb 26, 2017

This class was truly wonderful and Dr. Feldman did a teriffic job in presenting the information in an organized and interesting way, as well as provide practical examples and a pethora of helpful tips and tricks in rehearsals as well as regarding Conducting Technique. I'd recommend this class to any musician who wants to refresh their conducting skills or someone who wants to learn conducting for the first time. It was super and has helped improve my conducting abilities in addition to my basic musicianship in an ensemble setting tremendously- thank you so much Dr. Feldman!!



Jul 11, 2022

This has been an absolutely excellent course which clearly outlined many facets of conducting and rehearsing. I have been able to use the knowledge gleaned in this course not only in my conducting of wind ensembles and pit bands, but also in my own individual practice and performance. Dr. Feldman is an outstanding tutor who is enthusiastic and engaging, and I am incredibly grateful for the input of Tonu Kalam, Daniel Huff and Matthew McClure. Many thanks for the excellent course, and I shall be sure to look out for more courses from UNC Chapel Hill in future!

By Will J


Apr 4, 2020

If you're a music ed major with some experience like me, some of the topics discussed in the course may be that which makes you think, "Oh I already know that," but Dr. Feldman does a great job breaking them down in a logical, effective, and efficient manner so that you will still learn from each week's lesson. The information was presented very nicely and I allowed me to revisit lots of key components to music education. I highly recommend for music educators of all levels because you will get lots of food for thought (healthy foods too) and more.

By Ognjen Å 


Jan 17, 2018

I really like the course and I am midway through. The professor simply dissects and dives into every single little thing you need to know about the rehearsing and conducting. One of really interesting ideas I learnt so far are macro-micro-macro which feels so natural once explained, but I am not sure if I would ever come up with it myself. The other interesting thing is 10 rules to assess the quality of a musical piece... Btw, I am not a conductor, neither am I going to be. I am just a decent amateur musician who is exploring the course.

By Wajdi A D


Dec 9, 2018

i am conducting an amateur orchestra, usually we perform my arrangements of classical and folk tunes, this course help me a lot, and gave me a lot of helpful ideas and techniques that was absolutely effective with the group, specially in term of baton techniques, improving rhythm, intonation and rehearsal planning!!

very clear explication with a lot of example to demonstrate every tips, i did a very big progress in a very short time, and sure it was the best introduction to the conducting world!! thank you!!

By Jonathan G


Feb 24, 2021

Very thorough, very informative and incredibly well thought out. It is difficult to teach the fundamentals of conducting and rehearsing online, but this course has done so outstandingly.

I would recommend this course to anyone looking at gaining skills and insight into how to rehearse any ensemble (especially for a wind/concert band in my case), and to hone their baton technique.

I will definitely be looking out for any materials or classes from Dr Evan Feldman in the future!

By Vanessa A


Apr 21, 2022

Dr Feldman has designed and executed an excellent, comprehensive, and thorough course, through which a conducting student can learn a great deal of theoretical, practical, and artistic techniques and methods. He is engaging, affirming, and a tremendous communicator. The students at UNC are very fortunate, His inclusion of other conductors and their perspectives is wonderful. This course has been a pleasure and I feel so much more confident now. Thank you, Dr. Feldman.

By Anne E


Feb 26, 2016

As an amateur musician, this thoughtful and in-depth course has illuminated causes of perplexing situations that I've experienced under conductors, provided a mirror of mistakes in my own playing and outlined remedies for correction. A growing awareness provided by these video sessions will improve not only conducting skills, but sharpen my attention to playing and observing detail as well. I can't thank you enough.

A Erickson (F horn / trumpet)

By Lauren L


Aug 14, 2015

This was a very instructive course that I recommend to any musician/singer/conducting student seeking to understand the inner workings of conducting, ensemble rehearsing techniques, and getting the most out of individual and group practise. The course focuses heavily on beginning and intermediate conducting technique. This course has sparked an interest in conducting and score-reading in a big way! Highly recommend this course.

By Angelique C


Mar 5, 2018

This is an excellent course. I conduct a children's choir, and this course really helped me learn a lot of principles and techniques for conducting. They do a great job of covering both choral conducting and instrumental ensemble conducting, which is great because even if you only do one or the other, there are many differences worth knowing! It has made me a better, more knowledgeable conductor. Highly recommend!

By Cleave L


Dec 27, 2016

This is a wonderful course for getting insights on what is Rehearsals, what to achieve and how to achieve. I've learned a lot of techniques, insights and knowledge about musical rehearsals and making music too.

I strongly recommend this to those who love making music and would like to know more about making music and ensemble music.

Thank you so much Dr. Feldman for this wonderful course.

By Francisco C


Jun 24, 2021

Agradezco a THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, pero especialmente al Maestro Dr. Evan Feldman, por este maravilloso curso. que me dio las herramientas necesarias para dirigir cualquier grupo musical. hare lo necesario para adquirir el certificado, dado que la situación en mi país (Bogotá - Colombia) la situación económica es muy difícil . Mi eterno agradecimiento.

By Emilio B S


May 24, 2020

Excelente curso que arroja muchos consejos ordenados de forma muy minuciosa. Excelentes y muy claras las explicaciones del doctor Evan. Cada uno de los temas del curso son tratados con muchísimo cuidado para que logre comprender el papel fundamental de la organización antes, durante y después de los ensayos. Muchos consejos para los estudiantes y los maestros. Muchas felicidades

By Philip S


May 12, 2022

The Fundamentals of Rehearsing Music Ensembles with Dr. Feldman is a wonderful class. I have been conducting ensembles for many years and I am already using ideas I have learned from this class in rehearsals. The whole class was well done and interesting. I enjoyed the interviews with the UNC orchestra and chorus directors. The lectures were clear and consise.

By Taryn J


Aug 11, 2016

I really enjoyed this course! The instructor kept things interesting and covered a lot of topics in a concise way. I wish there were more choral examples -- as in examples I could watch in action, not just hearing someone talk about it -- but otherwise I thought it was great. I will definitely use a lot of the things I learned here with my own ensemble.

By Belinda A


Jun 7, 2024

The quality of this course is outstanding. It quickly became like a good book that I just couldn't put down. It covers everything that I needed to know and more that I had never thought about. I would recommend this course to anyone who finds themselves leading a music ensemble as it is packed full of good ideas and practical solutions. Bravo!

By Emre A


Dec 1, 2016

I learned and reviewed SO much from this course. From the rehearsal toolkit to tips with working on intonation and balance to tips on improving conducting, I found this course to be an invaluable professional development opportunity. Strongly recommended for all conductors who work with ensembles everywhere, at all levels.

By Casey M


Aug 14, 2015

This was a phenomenal course full of very useful info for musicians of all levels of leadership. It ranges from basic conducting, to rehearsal strategies, to score study, and it is enhanced with Dr. Feldman's interviews with the orchestra and choral directors at UNC-Chapel Hill. Could not recommend this course more highly!