Sep 10, 2017
This was an interesting and very useful course. Directors responsible for rehearsing ensembles will enjoy learning techniques, and even experienced conductors will benefit from revision and sharing.
Aug 8, 2019
Greate course to show the bassics of conducting. Also you get a lot of ideas for beign a better teacher as many things on aproaching an ensemble can be apllied to an instrument class.
By Geri H
•Jun 16, 2022
Although I probably won't use much of what I learned (I work with a very small ensemble) it was all very informative. Macro-micro-macro is especially useful. The only downside was that I seemed to be the only person taking the course at the time, so posting in discussions wasn't terriby fruitful.
By Guillermo E
•Jun 24, 2020
Incredibly well put and throughly explained. Due to COVID, I couldn't put all the lessons to test but i'm excited to do so. I now put attention to things I didn't used to and feel like the wold of musical conducting (and rehearsing) is opening up. Great work from Dr. Feldman and his team.
By Damian F P
•Jun 11, 2018
The course was really a great choice in my case. I'm a music teacher – History of Music – and I'll have to conduct teenagers at the music conservatory as a part of teaching some subjects, so I found this course really helpful for a beginner in conducting like me.
By Brenda H
•Oct 21, 2018
I have a masters of music in conducting from ABC (American Band College)
and I felt this course added more to what I learned in that program. It was excellent and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to improve there conducting techniques. Thank you so much1
By - B
•Aug 3, 2020
A wonderful, wonderful class!!! I gained so many ideas about how to conduct our community orchestra. I want to take the class again to review all the wonderful things I learned. I am grateful for all the time that it took to put this class together - thank you!
By Ravi D
•Mar 6, 2019
Conductor Feldman is well versed in conducting technique and has a great style of passing that information on. His use of his ensembles to demonstrate really helped to show what works and how various ideas apply to conducting different groups.
By Giorgio Z
•Sep 8, 2017
A highly instructional course with plenty of professional tips about rehearsing a music ensemble. Also, this course features a well-structured programme that successfully tackles the complex world of ensemble conducting. Highly recommended!
By Tan K L G
•May 26, 2019
I'm currently working as a primary school CCA violin teacher. I think it is fun to teach primary school student violin and also to conduct the Strings Ensemble. This course has taught me a lot about how to conduct and rehearse.
By Melissa Z
•Jun 16, 2017
This course was fantastic with helping me to learn additional rehearsal techniques. While I own and direct a big band not everything can be applied to my ensemble but, it has made a great difference when working with the group.
By Leonor C
•Feb 4, 2021
Very well organized in it's topics and well explained. The examples in rehearsals are great and I think it was very wise to show perspectives from different conductors and different types of groups with various experiences
By Numa M A V
•Mar 13, 2019
Excelente!!! Es un curso donde se ve de manera gradual la importancia de cada uno de los aspectos necesarios para realizar ensayos exitosos con ensambles, coros y orquestas!!!! brinda muchas herramientas muy utiles!!!!
By Krissy S
•May 20, 2021
A good foundation for conducting, with a practical approach to rehearsing. I really enjoyed this class and learned a lot, and look forward to using these skills when choral activities resume. Thank you, Dr. Feldman!
By Gerald W
•Aug 17, 2015
Phenomenal course. Here Dr. Feldman and his associates in the music program take more than 25 combined years of experience equipping students with core fundamentals to get started as a conductor or musical director.
By Valerie Z
•Aug 4, 2023
This is a wonderful course for introducing and improving conducting skills. The lectures are well planned out, and the skills and techniques are reiterated for choral, and orchestral as well as a regular wind band.
By Mona G
•Jan 21, 2021
I loved the instructor Dr. Evan Feldman and the issues covered. He spoke very well and intimately and I thought the course was useful for professional or inspired conductors. I truly enjoyed the course!
By Peter K
•Aug 12, 2016
a great eye opener for a chorister newbie like myself. Although I cannot fully comprehend the rich material and experience shared, the course set me on a good direction on my musical interest discovery
By Alessandra
•Mar 3, 2019
Very interesting and thorough course. It is complete enough as an overview and analysis of all the conducting aspects, from a conceptual, technical, historical, theorical and practical point of view.
By Sandy S
•Sep 11, 2017
This was an interesting and very useful course. Directors responsible for rehearsing ensembles will enjoy learning techniques, and even experienced conductors will benefit from revision and sharing.
By Nelly L
•Jan 14, 2021
very good organized! Very good developed! Very very good also to have the spoken text written!
I would have liked only to see the scores or the part of the scores they have presented and played.
By Stephanie N
•Aug 16, 2022
I am returning to the choral classroom after being home with my children for the last 12 years. This was an excellent refresher course for me, and has me even more excited to teach.
By Timothy R C
•Oct 6, 2015
This is a very organized and in-depth class. I have been a music educator for 35 years. I wish this course would have been offered when I was working on my degrees. Great job!!
By Tony K
•Jan 30, 2017
it's a grate course with an important topic for all hobby conductors. I'd learn a lot of practicable things to conduct and rehearse an orchestra of hobby musicians.
•Mar 12, 2023
Excelente curso. Los videos están muy bien elaborados y los temas muy bien organizados. Aprendà muchÃsimo.
Muchas gracias por brindar importantes herramientas
By Raphael A D R
•May 1, 2016
Very well-explained course, with essential details and different points of view by other conductors who live different contexts in conducting types. Excellent.