Dec 5, 2020
This course helped me understand the basics of neural network. After this course I learned to built base neural network model. Looking forward to do the next course of the deeplearning specialization.
Apr 29, 2020
Amazing course, the lecturer breaks makes it very simple and quizzes, assignments were very helpful to ensure your understanding of the content. Hope for future learners you provide code model-answers
By Mohit J
•Feb 18, 2021
I liked the way every topic was introduced and flow was maintained in the sessions. The best part is the link between the assignments and theoretical concepts from sessions.
By Doğuhan A
•Jan 1, 2021
The fundementals of Neular Networks and Deep Learning are explained very well. Both of Math and code are balanced but Pyton libraries could have been mentioned much more .
By Akhilesh K I
•Nov 18, 2020
This course was a great beginner. Andrew does a wonderful job of explaining the entire math behind the code. I will definitely recommend this course to my friends and peers.
By Alaa H
•Oct 20, 2020
I am really grateful for this enormous and consistent effort exerted by course instructors to come up with a course as greatly organized as this one . May god bless you all
•Oct 6, 2020
This is course helps me a lot in getting intuition of neural networks as well as deep networks. Explanations were easy to understand comfortably applied.
Thank you Andrew Sir
By Ninder J
•Sep 19, 2020
This is a great course, It helped me building intuitions about how neural network works, what kind of activation functions shall we use in a problem. Overall, Great content!
By Luisa F V C
•Aug 5, 2020
Really is an introduction to neural networks. Andrew is an excellent teacher, who is able to take you through deep learning easily. Very useful if you are new in this field.
By Maen A
•Jul 9, 2020
It was detailed yet very comprehensive! Andrew's approach to the problem makes the concepts of deep learning, calculus, and neural network easy to understand and comprehend.
By John T
•Jun 25, 2020
Excellent course I had already understood the programming part but getting the insight and knowledge behind it was something I always wanted to do and this course delivered.
By Shruti S M
•May 29, 2020
Very interesting assignments. Got to learn python numpy & how effectively to build a neural network. Also the back-propagation implementation demonstrated was quite helpful.
By Sajal C
•Mar 26, 2020
You will learn to implement neural networks from basics in python without using any bulit-in libraries. It will train your basics of forward and especially back propagation.
By Karthick V
•Oct 21, 2019
This is the best course I've ever seen. Their explanations are pretty clear, Those who are interested in neural networks & deep learning I will always suggest this course...
By Jeffrey W
•Oct 20, 2019
Difficult because I have not programmed in Python. I trained in C and c++
I have done research in Neural networks in the 1980's and wanted to start applying it to healthcare.
By Alexander T
•Aug 31, 2019
Great course, I would've just preferred to learn a bit more about the calculus behind back propagation using sigmoid activation as I think that would've helped me out a bit.
By Hanna P
•Apr 29, 2019
Great course for those who are new to Deep Learning. For those who are familiar with DL, this course is an excellent way to revise the principle of how DNNs work in details.
By Solomon W
•Apr 17, 2019
This course really helped me understand what goes on behind the scenes in a neural network. It has also given me the ability to implement basic neural networks from scratch!
By Aura A T
•Apr 6, 2019
Appropriate content, very easy to follow and not get lost in the formulations. You end up with a very clear idea of both the concept and the methodology for its application.
By wolf
•Mar 29, 2019
It is great and Mr Wu is a patient teacher. I learnt a lot from this course which leads me to know about deep learning. I will try to learn more courses about deep learning.
By Julu
•Dec 19, 2018
If you have don't Machine Learning by Andrew Ng, then completing this course should be like cake walk for you...Very Interesting course, also Andrew Ng is just amazing <3 <3
By wang122300090
•Oct 20, 2018
但是在听了吴博士的课之后,对机器学习的原理有着具体的一些概念,懂得了怎么将图片进行特征化,懂得了前向传播和反向传播的方法,以及机器是如何进行学习的,吴博士的课让我对deep learning 产生了很大的兴趣,我收获良多。
By Hari V
•Aug 19, 2018
The Best course on Neural Net, Deep learning and it was taught clearly and intuitively. The Best course that I've ever seen. Thank you Andrew Ng sir for this great teaching.
By V
•Aug 8, 2018
Andrew Ng has an elegant knack of adjusting his speed and depth accordingly in his courses. His speed resonates exactly with mine and I thoroughly enjoyed doing this course.
By Saurabh K
•Dec 25, 2017
Starting from very basics, the course provides a full hands-on experience in building deep NN.
Algorithms are made very clear and mathematical part of it is explained nicely.
By 胡烜皓
•Nov 3, 2017
It's super cool as a cours!!! The teacher began with basic and easy neural network and make it deeper through the course, and I found the exercises are always interesting !!
By CuiCan
•Oct 7, 2017
It was the basic discription of deep learning and neural networks. And I learnt some basic conceptions clearly. Andrew WU was a great teacher! I love these online classes .