Dec 5, 2020
This course helped me understand the basics of neural network. After this course I learned to built base neural network model. Looking forward to do the next course of the deeplearning specialization.
Apr 29, 2020
Amazing course, the lecturer breaks makes it very simple and quizzes, assignments were very helpful to ensure your understanding of the content. Hope for future learners you provide code model-answers
By Alex W
•Dec 13, 2020
Learned a lot in this course, Andrew walks you through everything and is a great instructor. One thing you can improve is removing the ringing sound in some of the videos.
By Jimmy C R M
•Jul 11, 2020
Me parece un curso muy didáctico e interesante para aprender acerca del Deep Learning, aunque hay un largo recorrido aún por hacer para llegar a cimentar las bases del IA.
By H H 1
•Jul 3, 2020
One of the best ways to start deep learning. I learned what's behind the neural network and this helped me a lot rather than directly using Keras or Tensor Flow libraries.
By Sanket D L
•May 23, 2020
After going through this course, I am able make neural network modles for ML applications. Its a best course for beginners and covers all basic concepts of neural network.
•May 21, 2020
It's an awesome course for intuituions awout neural networks. I think everyone should try it after getting some basic understanding about ML and DL from some other source.
By Roelof v W
•May 16, 2020
Good balance between theory and practice. More detail regarding the format of the data set, how to get data into the right format and loaded into the model will be helpful
By Виктор В К
•May 6, 2020
Very interesting course. I liked how everything was explained and how much detail everything was explained. Now I understand more about the possibilities of Deep Learning.
By Bao N
•Mar 20, 2020
This is the best course, which not only teaches us the theoretical knowledge but how to implement deep learning! I feel so grateful to take this course! Thank you so much!
By Dipanjan P
•Feb 23, 2020
The clarity and the simplicity of the instructions in this course makes it a winner. Andrew can take some very complex problems and explain it in a very simplistic manner.
By Jan R
•Nov 29, 2019
Die vielen Notifications aufgrund von Fehlern in dem folgenden Video haben gestört. Sonst war es ein guter Kurs. 5 Sterne, da das Wissen trotzdem sehr gut aufbereitet ist.
By Prakash C
•Oct 4, 2019
It's a great course to get started in deep learning which gives all the basic intuitive and mathematical foundation required for learning higher level learning algorithms.
By Nikhil V K
•Sep 27, 2019
The Deep Learning course by Andrew Ng sir was great , it gave me a very good intuition of building a L-layered Deep neural network from scratch and the way backprop works.
By Dhruv N
•Sep 18, 2019
Excellent demonstration of Neural Networks from the ground up. Breaking down the problem into smaller functions eases the understanding. All concepts are conveyed clearly!
By azeer e
•Jul 22, 2019
very good pace, not too deep, not too shallow, it is left to the student to dig further(math) if they are interested, main ideas and structures are well explained. Thanks!
•Jul 18, 2019
Really excellently explained. Takes students by the hand and guides through fairly complex stuff, providing some good intuition along the way. I can only highly recommend.
By Swastik N
•Jul 6, 2019
Truly truly amazing experience, I am now confident to take on any Machine Learning conference as I know the backbones of the algorithms implemented. Thank you Sir Andrew !
By Monica D
•May 31, 2019
This course is a great introduction to deep learning mechanisms, and is really useful for starting to develop your own models. Do consider taking the whole specialization.
By Megha S
•Sep 11, 2018
This course is very useful and makes one's understanding about Neural Networks a lot better. Would recommend everyone who aspires to get into NN to start with this course.
By Tian B L
•Jun 14, 2018
A very good interactive and hands-on way to get experience in building deep neural nets! Would like more derivation and/or techniques on the derivative of multi-layer NNs.
By Mohammed H
•May 28, 2018
This was a really fun course! However, I feel that not enough emphasis was given on how the derivatives were obtained, which seems like an important part of deep learning.
By Alberto S
•May 8, 2018
Some of the exercises are boring, as all the information is in the text or, for example when computing matrices dimensions, they are shown bellow in the assert statements.
By sh39o
•Mar 8, 2018
it provides very fundamental knowledges, from calculus to basic tools of linear algebra, enabling a beginner who prepare for entering the gate of neural network naturally.
By venkatesh n
•Jan 17, 2018
Phenomenal course! Kudos to Andrew Ng for creating something that's even better than the ML course. Python programming is much more intuitive than Octave. Highly recommend
By Serdar K
•Jan 12, 2018
This is very easy to digest. It is hard to fail the practice tests at the end of the sections. I think I have gained a good understanding of how to build a NN on my own.
By Rui Z
•Dec 26, 2017
I found this course deeply interesting and helpful. It is well organized that all pieces of deep learning knowledge are sequentially and logically connected to each other.