Nov 27, 2021
Great course, lots of very challenging and useful information. You'll learn about Linux and some of the inner workings of Windows, plus lots of tools and programs that are really useful. Great course!
Apr 1, 2019
This is my most favorite module module, especially the Linux, which is my all time favorite OS ever enjoy learning, working Programing, and configuring, and will continue enjoying til the end of time.
By Angel L
•Mar 13, 2018
I'm not sure how much I actually learned in this course and the labs were INCREDIBLY buggy. I think other future users would appreciate more consideration being put into the labs and testing into them prior to distribution. Additionally, I think having the videos mask the true lab experience would be helpful.
By Zach W
•May 10, 2024
The videos were great, but using the labs for any Powershell exercises were practically broken. Keystrokes weren't recognized and the clipboard tool at the top did not work in addition to the on-screen keyboard. I imagine other users would have a hard time completing the course through no fault of their own.
By Jesse B
•Jun 30, 2022
The final graded Lab for week 6 was horrible. Nothing worked and I had to go to the course discussion forum to see what other people were able to find as a workaround to completing the course. It looks like the same issues have gone on for as far back as at least 2 years with no fix. Get it together Google!
By Matthew P
•Jul 11, 2021
There is a lot of information that doesn't get looked at in detail enough. For becoming a power user, I did not feel I was in the PowerShell enough to feel even remotely comfortable with it. I jet feel there could be a few more assignments that go into PowerShell so we get a more structured feel of it.
By Stephen P
•Jul 17, 2021
As with the Networking course, there is a LOT of technical jargon and very little time to actually use/practice what is being taught. Need more hands-on lessons to make this a better course, otherwise I feel like I'm just memorizing terms and definitions, and likely won't retain much of anything.
By Anthony D
•Nov 10, 2020
to much talking not enough hands on .. Doesnt explain enough about the commands , says them once and hopes you remember them. This type of course needs to make you enter the commands a lot more to have them stick with you instead they briefly talk about them once and expect you to remember them .
By Maria M L
•Apr 10, 2018
Other than issues with the labs the course was informative. I believe if the lab content got better later on in the course yet the labs all had the same issue. Would sometimes have to redo them in order for work to get graded by the system. It's the boat anchor of this series of courses so far.
By John K
•Jul 7, 2020
Have discussed at length with customer support regarding the final two labs for week 6. These seemed embarrassed at the situation and were as helpful as can be but the developers failed to thoroughly test and validate that the instructions (when there were any instructions) actually worked.
By Joe S
•Apr 15, 2020
I feel instruction was lacking regarding methods for updating programs for both Windows and Linux. For this reason, I was unable to fully complete the final labs. Additionally, the labs state there is a support tab, which I also could not find, in order to get support for these labs.
By Robert B
•Mar 4, 2018
I'm sure it was previously discussed, but I found it confusing to constantly bounce between windows and linux procedures. I believe it would have been much easier to focus on Windows, work through the entire curriculum, then, once completed, focus on Linux through the same curriculum.
By RealTexan
•Nov 9, 2021
There were far too many bugs with the quiklabs and the instructions for completing the steps were unhelpful and unspecific. The content and instructor was good. Would recommend getting a tutor or using YouTube to complete the tasks, you wont get much help from the instructions at all,
By Sarah H
•Jul 1, 2021
I will say that I did learn things that I did not know before. So thats a plus. Cindy is a good teacher, but overall it is not as i expected. I guess I expected more since I paid for the course, but what do I expect for 50usd per month which is way cheaper than college education?
By hidenori n
•Oct 19, 2020
I would appreciated more if the course can explain more in the video rather than let the reading material lead the course. Also, the it would be greater if they can explain the matter with the slide up longer rather than the instructors' face while they are explaining. Thank yoU!
By Jp T
•Apr 18, 2019
Could really use a lot more interactive, hands-on modules throughout the course so that the student can get a real grasp on the concepts and execution of the material. I would highly recommend more labs, preferably one or two immediately following each lecture on new material.
By Muhamad A P M C
•Mar 15, 2021
All went fine on Linux. But I had a bit problem when completing assessment in Windows VM, especially on course 3 week 6 "updating vlc". The score didn't increase after I updated VLC for many times.
Just suggestion, maybe you can make windows assessment to be optional.
By Chad M
•Oct 27, 2022
Lots of technical issues with quizes and labs. Otherwise, the instruction was good.
One 34 question quiz was given before any of the training. The exact same quiz was given again at the end of the module. Another quiz had answers for an entirely different question.
By Hillary P
•Apr 14, 2019
This coursework was segmented so that we went back and forth from Linux to Windows. The instruction seemed choppy when using this approach. I understand comparing the OS's, but perhaps finish explaining a full process or function in one OS before moving to the next.
By Chadrick E
•Mar 30, 2018
The assessment tool used for the course is buggy, unreliable, and often difficult to access, requiring multiple attempts just to get it to work. Considering this is how you pass the course, this is a critical issue. It was an issue in course one as well.
By David J
•Oct 17, 2018
I felt like it left something to be desired in the assignments. also some things that we were told to do was not clearly covered in the course material. I know that It is also a self learning environment but a bit of better direction would be appreciated.
By Amanda D
•Mar 21, 2022
I did not find this course to be practical. There are several mentions of "this is how you would use this to trouble shoot" and then no details at all. It was difficult to follow, and the final Windows lab is glitchy and extremely difficult to solve.
By Viet A T
•Mar 31, 2021
The lab was lagging, so it took more time to complete tasks. Overall it was nice and I know you will fix that problem so for now just 3 stars. I also encountered the problem in the lab in week 6 where I couldn't get points but It happened to be my bad.
By Michael C
•Jan 12, 2023
Very good course. I felt some of the videos were a little dry. Seemed the instructor was just reading her instructions and not very passionate about conveying the information to the student. It could have been more organic with better analogies.
By Jakiela H
•Sep 20, 2018
I learned a lot of valuable information about running commands in Windows and Linux, but the Quiklab tool was difficult to use at times. I had to complete an assignment twice ti receive a grade even thought I made a 100% on my first attempt.
By Laura K H
•Oct 7, 2023
course content was decent and an area of great interest but as i've put almost everywhere. the lab pages for the windows lab content are broken and formatted incorrectly. i assume that they are overpadded and thus half of them is obscured.
By Blair A
•Apr 10, 2023
I like the qwiklabs because it is very helpful to experiment with the commands we're learning in the safe environment of a VM but there are not enough qwiklabs. Maybe add additional optional qwiklabs, similar to the "supplemental readings"