Nov 13, 2017
A very interesting course and it has given a great knowleddge to me about the concept of science and religion . just amazed and the professors taught this in a very impressive way . very nyccc .
May 13, 2017
Fine course, nice references for further reading, clear and nice instructors. Only two where a little odd: Statis Psillos, talking too fast, and Conor Cunningham, a bit too theatrical.
By James R E
•Mar 22, 2018
First weeks material was pretty good, during the second week I started to get a funny feeling about the way it was going. I noticed, during the credits, that this was funded by a group called the Templeton Foundation. I googled them, and discovered that this "foundation" is dedicated to funding endeavors that promote Christianity. So, under the guise of a serious academic, what we have here is propaganda. Coursera should remove this, or at least reveal the true source and purpose of this program. BTW, the lectture by Connor Cunningham is hilarious - a disjointed rambling monologue that reminded me of ...Hunter Thompson? Donald Trump on acid?
•May 1, 2018
This is an incredibly terrible course, that only serves as propaganda for Christian creationism. Some of the lecturers are people completely unknowledgeable about both science and philosophy. It is incredibly sad that an university of such quality and history would lend its name for such endeavors.
By Christopher M
•Jun 6, 2018
The aim of these three courses seems to be to persuade people that the debate about the compatibility or otherwise of Christianity (and there's very little attempt here to disguise the view that 'religion' means Christianity) and science is genuinely important. Do they succeed? I don't think so; the somewhat confusing view of science presented by the course creators - that scientists have deliberately chosen naturalism as their metaphysical foundation, refusing to acknowledge any supernatural possibility, and consequently need to 'change their story' whenever they encounter new evidence leaving science weak and unreliable but on the other hand, that science is so powerful and successful that 'scientism' is a real threat to the future of humanity - contrasts with the uncritical view of Christianity (what little critical assessment there is, is laughable in my view) to such an extent that any debate would be meaningless. As far as I can see this remains a problem within Christianity between young earth fundamentalists and those, such as the Templeton Foundation who financed the courses, who want Christianity to be acceptable and relevant in modern society. I think Christians should be free to believe whichever of the hundreds of different types of Christianity they want but that, in the same way that they don't want science imposing a naturalistic view on everyone, they shouldn't expect everyone else to believe the same things that they do.
By Patrick W
•Jun 12, 2017
The course was interesting. However, even as a non-religious person, I felt that religion was looked at too shallowly. Also, by only talking about Abrahamic religions, and avoiding Eastern religions, which appear to have much more science in them, the debate is not complete, making it not so scientific for a course which discusses the 'scientific-ness' of concepts.
By Samonee R
•Nov 13, 2017
A very interesting course and it has given a great knowleddge to me about the concept of science and religion . just amazed and the professors taught this in a very impressive way . very nyccc .
By David M
•Aug 21, 2019
I enjoyed the course very much and found it useful to prepare for a graduate course about the same subject. The teachers are very knowledgeable and the material very adequate,
By Nathalie Z
•Dec 15, 2017
A lot of the given arguments seem flawed or incomplete. I was looking for a course that would show where these fields come together successfully, and would broaden my worldview. Instead it set out arguments from both sides that barely fit each other, and didn't inspire open
By Ahmed H
•Feb 10, 2017
Excellent course and one of the kind. I believe it is essential for any thoughtful person who tends to have holistic view for life matters. Whatever your religious belief or ideology, this course will motivate you to think differently. Do not expect answers, there are a lot of questions and you need to look for answers!
By Solveig H
•Nov 11, 2018
An excellent and interesting range of lectures. Not particularly fond of the Stanford readings, but such is life. Very enjoyable!
By Patrick Q
•Jun 5, 2020
Course pretty good overall, although a bit easy for my taste!
By Pedro F B S
•Dec 30, 2017
Short but interesting course on Philosophy of Science. The contents are introduced in a very pedagogic fashion and I appreciated the focus on the work of Popper who I always admired for his relatively accurate description of the virtues of the scientific knowledge. Also appreciated the fact that the concepts are illustrated by means of several examples allowing to acquire an adequate perspective in terms of historical evolution of the different trends in Philosophy of Science.
By Kevin M
•Jul 8, 2020
Absolutely amazed at how easy it was to follow. It has increased my desire to learn more, and helped me to gain skills in critical thinking, and ability to research. The optional essay questions were good, as they would be peer reviewed it helped me to really think about what I was submitting, and to formulate my own ideas based in the excellent study materials and well presented lectures. I am seriously thinking of taking this further.
By Eric C
•Mar 25, 2018
This was a truly fantastic course, taught by engaging professors and investigations fascinating questions about the relationship between science and religion while reference a host of interesting material for further investigation. Anyone interested in better understanding the historic relationship between these two domains or self-examining their own beliefs will be very pleased with this course!
By Ali A M
•Mar 17, 2018
In most of Middle-Eastern countries which i live in one of them , talking about the relationship between science and religion is a kind of a taboo. Ideas and critical thoughts usually not goes out from the academic field. Therefore; the person who wants to learn different perspectives about the issue need to be challenger. Thanks to this course, it is much more easier for me. Great job!
By Bow M
•Apr 22, 2018
Coursera provides a wide range of studies and outstanding courses. Even though this is an online course, the professors keep you involves and interested throughout the whole course. When applying yourself, you can learn an incredible amount from this class. I recommend it to anyone wanting to look further into science/religion problem and see both sides and when and how it originated.
By Renee K
•Aug 31, 2020
I enjoyed taking this philosophy Course under the "Edinburgh university", and I'd like to say I've learned several new topics under religion and science that have peaked my love and interest for philosophy even more.
Thank you to all the fellow lecturers that took their time to create lectures that are simple and interesting to understand.
By Vaishna R
•May 9, 2020
It was an exciting experience. I could learn a lot of things. Such a worth mentioning learning experience. I came to understand the different views that philosophy, science and religion uphold. I came to understand about the study of certain experiments and also the problems caused. Overall, it was a beautiful experience.
By Khadim H C
•Jan 18, 2018
It was very hard to reject a centuries old established doctrine or a theory because you need to measure some thing through a tool system to prove the subject is more or less, false or true, sustainable or unsustainable etc
Thank you all of you there who have set up a forum for this advancement in spread of real knowledge.
By Vaighna R
•May 10, 2020
I found the course very interesting as the three main perspectives with which the world is viewed is depicted very clearly. And also, the quizzes after each video encouraged me to listen to the video very carefully. Altogether, it was a wonderful experience which gave rise to many new thoughts and dimensions.
By Wind C
•Feb 28, 2017
I really liked this course. The material was good. the lectures were interesting and enjoyable. I learned a lot from the course. My only disappointment was the brevity. I would have liked to delve deeper into these issues, but it was a good starter course for this subject matter. The quizzes were too easy.
By Anna Q J
•Jun 14, 2017
“Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy” is an extremely interesting course, well taught and easy to follow. I’m always amazed to see how good professors manage to teach complicated topics in a way that makes them look simple. Definitely, this course in an example of good practice.
•May 6, 2020
PERFECT course for critical thinkers. You will get to know some great things and especially how to reason and question things. You will get answers to many queries and will finally result in some great outcomes making you more aware about how we evolved into what we are today. Loved this course.
By Dominique J A W
•Oct 22, 2020
This was a mega course and I'm looking for the next two on science and religion. Creationists featured a lot in my young life, and so as an atheist it is great to finally see universities taking on the great creationism Vs evolution debate, because it is deep and poignant to religion.
By Henk J G
•Mar 17, 2019
Interesting though not always easy to consume
•Aug 29, 2020
Good stuff, I do however have to say that having a Catholic Priest lecture Evolution was a bit strange.
it gives the impression that Science and Religion can coexist. They cant, Religion has no place in the classroom. Having a Professor his Holy Orders while lecturing on evolution furthers what should not even be a debate. Religion should be ridiculed at every opportunity for the superstitious and destructive Myths of an uneducated, backward and terrified desert people trying to make sense of their world. Your Professor dressed in his priest shirt and collar was repulsive and has cost you any respect I may have had for your school. Mabey next time you should have him represent your University and not the Church.