Nov 13, 2017
A very interesting course and it has given a great knowleddge to me about the concept of science and religion . just amazed and the professors taught this in a very impressive way . very nyccc .
May 13, 2017
Fine course, nice references for further reading, clear and nice instructors. Only two where a little odd: Statis Psillos, talking too fast, and Conor Cunningham, a bit too theatrical.
By Jorge G
•Apr 1, 2018
Nice and interactive course. It gives you a good introduction into philosophy of science and its main challenges. As well it introduces you to the main BIG players in this field. The best asset, is some of its presentations, interactive and intellectually challenging.
By Shalonda V
•May 15, 2017
This course gave me the fundamentals of philosophy without being too chatty or lengthy. It made me think harder and sparked a desire to go deeper into philosophy outside of the course. This course also gave me excellent tools to do just that. I recommend it to all.
By Jung H L
•Apr 8, 2020
Excellent course! I'd like to everyone involved in the production and decision to make this great available to us for free specially in this time of needs. I will honour the time, resources and generosity by sharing it with friends and family. Thanks again!
By Tony B
•Apr 7, 2020
A first class course with professionally produced media, appropriate sharing of information real time interaction with online coursework - I always know whats next on my to do list and where i left off. You can be confident in the content and delivery
By Pablo G A
•Aug 18, 2017
I was very pleased of taking this course. I recommend every course of the University of Edinburgh, I think they are of a very good quality. You learn very interesting things, and furthermore, it is very helpful to practice English language skills.
By Martin B
•May 19, 2020
All of the lecturers were outstanding. I like the way the course is structured. Not just multi-choice questions but also short essays that can be criticized by fellow students. That is what philosophy is all about - the give and take to ideas.
By Astromuon K
•Feb 23, 2020
This course has totally change the way I understand science, philosophy and religion. It opens my eyes and brings me into the new world through its great contents and its simplicity of explanation. I cannot thank you enough to all instructors.
By Emiel d J
•Dec 8, 2018
In the beginning of the course I had the sense that the course was somewhat biased towards religion. But later on I found out that both aspects are explained quite honest and well in the course. All in all well worth the time and effort.
By Antonio A
•Feb 4, 2020
An Excellent course, congratulations to all professors. Now, I have a really greater perspective from Philosophy. After I´ve done my first course: Intro to Philo, now, I´ve gotten another points of view in order to write articles.
By Anne S
•Jan 5, 2018
A very interesting and well presented introduction to a controversial area of debate. Encourages further intellectual investigation of three disciplines that seem to have more in common than many would like to admit.
By Pavithra V
•Aug 26, 2017
This course has helped me look at a lot of things from a different point of view. It was a thrilling experience to discover that a lot of theories that seem obviously true aren't really so! The lectures were amazing.
By Will W
•Dec 22, 2017
This course has brought a lot of clarity to my understanding of the basic issues at stake in the intersection of science and philosophy. I look forward to trying out the rest of the PSR courses from U. of Edinburgh!
By Eleison D d S C
•Jun 16, 2019
Excelent course! Just the videos by Mark Harris are not very undestandable. He mumbles and it becomes difficult to follow along him. Also I would suggest more illustration on his videos, otherwise becomes boring..
By Sen
•Sep 2, 2017
Thought provoking course.
As a atheist, this course gives me lots of new views of thinking religions and 'science'. Also leave me to think why we need religion or science in the first place. Really good!
By Rodrigo S S R
•May 13, 2017
Fine course, nice references for further reading, clear and nice instructors. Only two where a little odd: Statis Psillos, talking too fast, and Conor Cunningham, a bit too theatrical.
•Aug 29, 2020
Excellent instructors and clear explanations. Very fluid, interesting and motivating content to continue learning about philosophy of science. Thanks for arousing my curiosity.
By ruth s
•Feb 23, 2022
The content of this course was of much interest to me, and it was presented in a manner that maintained my interest. I found the format of the course to be extrememly helpful.
By Christopher B
•Feb 5, 2017
I really enjoyed this course and the effort it put forth to open the dialogue of religion, science and philosophy. Thank you for creating a space to openly discuss belief.
By Lorena P
•Jun 30, 2019
Very interesting course!!!! I can see many concepts about science in a different light now and I've learnt many others which were utterly new to me. Thank you so much!!!
By Mardohar B B S
•Jun 24, 2020
Well, how can i put it: it is a strong way -but a wise one -to pin the noisy barking of religious fanaticism down without causing them to lose their human pride.
By Think D
•Dec 30, 2020
Over all, Very impressive methodology for imparting knowledge . Lectures / materials were Excellent.
I have learned a lot and also will recommend others.
By Tahir S
•Jun 21, 2017
Precise and to the point! In the time and space we dwell in, this course is of utmost importance and the respected professors are of undeniable excellence.
By Tsvi B
•Feb 24, 2017
Enjoyed a lot watching this course. Gives a lot to think about!
Thank you so much for providing such an interesting and quality content for free!
By Luis J
•Apr 20, 2019
An excellent course, which touches all facets of the religion science relationship, teachers are very professional in content transmission
By John L M
•May 3, 2020
To my surprise, the range of perspectives I found fairer than many who've reviewed this first course already have. I completed all three in the series in order. This starts off the sequence sensibly. Yet, the final portions with Dr de Pomerai were nothing more than cut and paste from the textbook, and chopped up as they were with no regard for explanations or assistance for non-biologists, the material was far too specialized for newcomers. Even if the other lecturers also delivered as it were their parts of the textbook on camera, they did not make it seem such. I add that those who somehow see this as propaganda for creationism or ID seem not to have accurately placed these portions in perspective. After all, in a course of this nature, why those controversies would be expected not to be addressed appears odd--anyone interested in the juxtaposition of the three fields has to study areas of conflict.