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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Psychological First Aid by Johns Hopkins University

19,633 ratings

About the Course

Learn to provide psychological first aid to people in an emergency by employing the RAPID model: Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition. Utilizing the RAPID model (Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition), this specialized course provides perspectives on injuries and trauma that are beyond those physical in nature. The RAPID model is readily applicable to public health settings, the workplace, the military, faith-based organizations, mass disaster venues, and even the demands of more commonplace critical events, e.g., dealing with the psychological aftermath of accidents, robberies, suicide, homicide, or community violence. In addition, the RAPID model has been found effective in promoting personal and community resilience. Participants will increase their abilities to: - Discuss key concepts related to PFA - Listen reflectively - Differentiate benign, non-incapacitating psychological/ behavioral crisis reactions from more severe, potentially incapacitating, crisis reactions - Prioritize (triage) psychological/ behavioral crisis reactions - Mitigate acute distress and dysfunction, as appropriate - Recognize when to facilitate access to further mental health support - Practice self-care Developed in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Open Education Lab....

Top reviews


May 22, 2020

I am very happy and satisfied with the course program. In fact, I am excited to apply what I have learned and also looking forward to enroll in another course. Thank you for this learning opportunity!


Aug 14, 2020

Found the course really informational and useful on both personal and professional levels. The techniques and skills were easily implementable and highly transferable to various real-life situations.

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751 - 775 of 4,599 Reviews for Psychological First Aid

By Daniel S L

Oct 2, 2020

Excelente curso. Ideal para iniciar en la comprensión y aplicación de Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos. Está diseñado desde un modelo teórico y con videos prácticas, con ejemplos y contra-ejemplos. No requiere conocimientos previos.

By Lauren W

Sep 14, 2020

The content was clear and well taught. Dr. Everly, the instructor, has a wealth of knowledge that is readily evident. I feel more prepared and confident in approaching others in crisis, both within and outside of a crisis context.

By Susana M G

Aug 27, 2020

Excellent course, excellent expositor and material. Very clear and easy to understand. A course that can always help you, even on a daily basis if we apply some of the topics, like reflective listening, take care of yourself, etc.

By Doyel G

Jul 7, 2020

I really liked the course and benefitted a lot from the course. It was very well planned and well delivered program. I have some amount of field experience in this area, so I could relate and realise how practical every point was.

By Maria P C A

May 4, 2020

Excelente curso para que aquellos que no sean profesionales de la salud mental puedan ayudar a otros a afrontar momentos de crisis sobre todo hoy en día que la demanda supera a la capacidad de los profesionales de la salud mental.

By Chau N

Mar 19, 2021

The Course is very useful, with a detailed analysis of how should a PFA process be. Therefore, practitioners can be able to cultivate their basic understandings in intervention that can be applied to numerous different scenarios.

By Mia C

Jan 28, 2021

I thought this was a really well done course! I was able to start and complete this course in less than a day, and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn so much in such an efficient way. Truly enjoyed the work, too.

By Danica P

Aug 31, 2020

Dr. Everly is right. Even some of those trained in clinical therapy aren't necessarily equipped to be PFA providers. It was an enjoyable, highly informative module. Even without direct engagement, it encourages critical thinking.

By Chee K N

May 19, 2020

Concise, short, clear and well-presented course. Very good for the beginners doing the psychotherapy and counselling study and the frontline personnel handling the disaster events or dealing with call support for mental helpline.

By Sophia B

Dec 3, 2023

Really interesting, I especially loved the use of a documentary in order to practice prioritisation and assessment during crisis, since it was based off of the real experiences these people and first responders suffered through.

By Angelica J

Nov 13, 2020

I am grateful for the developers of this course, especially to Dr. George Everly. A must learn for every first responder, especially the modules for self care. Thank you to Dr. Everly, Johns Hopkins, Coursera and DOST Caraga.

By Sigourney R B M

Oct 29, 2020

I love Prof. Everly's lectures and small anecdotes. The pace of the lecture is just right, and the requirements of the course are not demanding or pressuring.

Thank you and hope we get to learn more from Prof. Everly.

Take care!

By Julio H V O

May 17, 2020

Curso que cumple lo que ofrece y en lo personal cubre mis expectativas. Útil para la ciudadanía que teme enfermar o ya está enferma por COVID19, así como intervenir con el personal sanitario de todos los niveles. Muchas gracias.

By Melissa G

Jan 20, 2022

George S. Everly, JR. is precise, provides all the information needed and leaves you with very little questions about Psychological First Aid. If you want to know what Psychological First Aid is, you've come to the right place.


Sep 2, 2020

I love it, literally changed my perspective about the world and the people. I can say with no doubt than the Psychological First Aids are really important as the regular First Aids. Thank you for preparing the course. Love you!

By Abigail P B

Jun 3, 2020

This was a very useful course to me! It would be even better if it included also some simulations of responding to individuals needing the next level of care, and additional examples of phrasing for conducting such escalations.

By Faezur R F

May 29, 2020

I Got the basic idea about psychological 1st aid module accordingly to john Hopskin University . Now I am able to talk and share my knowledge about it among to my national , community and international friends and surveillance.

By Marcela O T

May 4, 2020

This course is really well done! It's really organized and I love that the last week of the course is about self-care because even though our priorities are our patients, we often forget that our mental health is important too.

By Nguyen T H

Apr 25, 2020

A meaningful course for not only health workers, but also for everybody in providing the knowledge to take care of themselves and others when in crisis or disaster. The course structure and stimulations are very easy to follow.

By Tafari L

Jul 23, 2019

Worth it for those looking to manage the risks faced by people immediately after a disaster, as this course provides a window into the methods needed to mitigate acute psychological distress in an accurate and engaging fashion.

By Tajloi C

Jun 24, 2020

Amazingly put together. Workload is arranged in a way that is incredibly manageable. The instructor is clear and knowledgeable. There are video demonstrations of the correct and incorrect way of implementing techniques taught.

By Eleftherios K

May 24, 2020

A brief, well established introductory course! Very well presented material that promotes engaging interaction. I would love to have more of Dr. Everly's field experience and narrations incorporated in the lectures. Thank you!

By Phoebe J O

Oct 22, 2020

Very informative course. Knowing how to conduct PFA will really help people's mental health needs. While it is not designed as therapy, it help stabilize acute distress, and can increase resilience. Thank you for this course!

By Mustafa Z

Jan 13, 2020

i think i highly recommend this course to each & every individual as it has a lot of knowledge and information to be learned.

i am looking forward to be a part of john Hopkins to serve the humanity in a more precise way.


By Kornelija V

Mar 10, 2018

Really great course for everyone interested in how to help people to deal with in/after traumatic situations. I enjoyed the course and learnt a lot skills how to approach person and the ways to be helpful. Strongly recommend!