May 2, 2019
This course is a excellent introduction to social network analysis. Learnt a lot about how social network works. Anyone learning Machine Learning and AI should definitely take this course. It's good.
Sep 23, 2018
It was an easy introductory course that is well structured and well explained. Took me roughly a weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope the professor follows up with more advanced material.
By Atilio T
•Mar 22, 2020
Excellent course. The lecturer explains in a simple way to understand, and exercise are interested to the analysis of social network using python.
By Vincenzo T
•May 16, 2019
Very good course! I was afraid going into this after going the rather bad "Text Mining". However, it was super fun, well done and informative!
By Vladimir
•Dec 29, 2017
A very good course to learn about networks. Thanks!
The cherry on top was to apply machine learning techniques to predict how the net evolves.
By Siyang
•Oct 21, 2017
Best course in the series. The lecturer managed to explain difficult concepts very clearly through its excellent slides and words. Thank you!
By Vinicius O
•Mar 16, 2020
This course was fantastic, with a lot of information and tips important for me. The instructor is very focused and I have confidence on him.
By David M
•Feb 26, 2021
Excellent lecturer, very useful content, assignments were a good level of challenge, particularly the last one which brings it all to life.
By Γεώργιος Κ
•May 15, 2018
Another must to have lesson from Michigan Univeristy. After completing this lesson the Social Networks will be an analysis challenge.
By Suyash D
•Dec 19, 2018
An excellent course that provides a fair knowledge of social networks, the NetworkX package and how to work with networks in Python.
By Luis A G T
•Dec 13, 2022
No sabía nada de ciencia de datos y aprendí un montón. Las actividades son adecuadas y siempre fueron un reto los trabajos finales.
By Kueida L
•Sep 3, 2020
The quizzes were not giving you free points like other online courses. They were challenging. The assignments were well-structured.
By Thales A K N
•Jul 8, 2020
Very cool knowledge!! Began the specialization not knowing that this kind of study existed, and it was awesome learning about it!!
By Henri
•May 18, 2019
Great intro to networks; last assignment is challenging but is a good opportunity to put everything together (python+ML+Network).
•Sep 21, 2020
The concept and assignment are excellent .This lectures gives good idea about usage networkx . Overall the course is excellent .
By Cameron W
•Aug 31, 2022
Really excellent course! Practical programming and network analysis tools along with just enough theory to keep you interested.
By Elias
•Jan 10, 2018
This is a very informative course in the property of networks and the feature extraction you can obtain out of this. Excellent
By Shiomar S C
•Nov 5, 2019
Excelente course, the instructor really meks you undestand with the right structure and having meaningfull in video quizes
By Dhananjai S
•Jun 11, 2019
One of the best courses on social network analysis. Professor Daniel Romero did an excellent job explaining the contents.
By Imre V
•Mar 9, 2019
It was great introducing the networks, but I found most of the assignments too straightforward except for the last weeks.
By Mile D
•Dec 20, 2017
Excellent explanations and examples. Recommended text to read was also very helpful. Thanks for providing this course!!!
By Sarah H H
•Jun 3, 2019
i found this course to be fun and straightforward. The assignments were directly aligned to instruction. Great course!
By Christian P
•Dec 29, 2019
Excellent, well taught and in-depth programming exercises. I really got my hands into programming with networkx here.
By Oscar J O R
•Oct 15, 2017
A really good course. Notebooks could be very useful to practice and maybe more exercises(not graded) with real data.
•Jun 4, 2020
But why am i not getting certififcate of completion.I need it with tthe course which holds more value than learning
By Neo P
•Oct 17, 2021
Great course. Some of the best assignments I've had the pleasure (and frustration) of doing. This prof is amazing.
By Slavisa D
•Jun 9, 2019
Very helpful, I didn't know anything about graphs, networks modelling and the NetworkX package before this course.