May 11, 2020
This course is very well designed and easy to understand because of dedicated and experience personnel who are delivering the content. Use of case study is well planned at various sections in course.
Feb 26, 2017
Great introduction. It covers a wide range of issues concerning waste management and I thought the material was relevant and reflected my own observations of waste management in developing countries.
By Imoniche I
•Sep 21, 2020
A great foundation to start with in understanding the value chain of municipal waste management especially in developing country like mine, Nigeria, lol
By Lalit B
•Sep 1, 2020
Thanks Dr. Christian and Mr. Imanul for providing such a detailed and informative course. This is one of the best course available online on the subject
By gt k
•Apr 24, 2020
Brilliant course with world stats. this course gave me a comprehensive knowledge of integrated municipal solid waste management in developing countries.
By Roberto A R H
•Sep 3, 2019
An step by step course that analyse the factors that are either favorable or unfavorable for the waste management and disposal, and other recomendations
By Jean-André D
•Nov 19, 2017
Un cours qui donne les clés pour saisir les concepts et répondre aux enjeux du siècle à travers la Coopération et le Développement dans les pays du Sud.
By Ahmed A
•Apr 2, 2017
Name:Ahmed Mohamed Ali
this course was fantastic and easy to learn i would like to have my accomplishment certificate.
By I. E
•Jul 25, 2016
Very interesting topic and explained in very good detail, with many examples, case studies and recommended readings. Thank you for such a great course.
By Burtay M
•May 20, 2016
This is a crystallized course for SWM. You can develop your own projects after taking this course. You will have a pathfinder knowledge by this course.
By Julian C R V
•Jun 24, 2020
Excellent course, great and large view of how to manage the solid waste, the available technologies and the plannification of a solid waste management
By Ariane L
•Oct 10, 2023
Amazing class with more resources than I will ever be able to read. I have been excited for every lesson and I am thankful for the knowledge aquired!
By Musa J
•Mar 19, 2023
been an amazing experience
from this course, the course is well detailed
and explained, this has boost my interest
in waste management.
•May 29, 2017
A very informative and we'll paced course. Even the technical details have been taught in such a manner so that even a layman can understand easily.
•Sep 5, 2018
Great course !!!
the course helped me to understand how important those wastes on the streets can be useful to our daily life and future development.
By R. S
•Jan 1, 2017
The course is well documented and interesting, covering all aspects of solid waste management in developing countries with interesting case studies.
By Alexander B
•Sep 27, 2016
Excellent course, very concise and focused on the topic. Good instructors, with a lot of external experts being invited and presenting case studies.
By José A D L R
•Sep 28, 2020
Exceptional course. The instructors used a simple method to teach complex ideas. The use of case studies was particularly interesting. Great job!!!
By Aditya J
•Sep 12, 2017
A really nice course. The content is useful and it is presented from an overall politico-economic point of view instead of a simple scientific one.
By Sebastian S
•Oct 2, 2016
Simple and yet well detailed, although the one thing that I didn't like is the french translations in the quizzes, make them a little bit confusing
By Mamta S
•Jun 11, 2017
This course has helped me gain detailed knowledge of MSW management which would help me in the course of my career as sustainability professional.
By Gustavo A V
•May 29, 2019
This a very important course in my life, i'm ready to start a new career, and this is a powerfull arm to reach my goals and help to my community.
By Richmont E D
•Apr 30, 2017
Excelente curso, bien estructurado y explicado. Importante para toda persona interesada en la gestión de residuos sólidos municipales. ¡MUY ÚTIL!
By Jean M N B
•Oct 12, 2016
This course is incrible. I had an overview on the subject and I can now better understand and decide which parts of topic interest me. Thank you!
By Sudeep G
•Jun 10, 2016
Really enjoyed the course. This course has shown numerous paths for me to work on Solid Waste Management sector in developing country like Nepal.
By Rajeev C
•Mar 4, 2016
Brilliant course and the mentors are simply superb. Excellent content with perfect articulation . A big thanks to all of you.
Warm regards,
•Feb 15, 2021
Very good course. Practical and comprehensive. Both Christian and Imanol present the subjects in a smooth and clear manner. Great experience.