May 11, 2020
This course is very well designed and easy to understand because of dedicated and experience personnel who are delivering the content. Use of case study is well planned at various sections in course.
Feb 26, 2017
Great introduction. It covers a wide range of issues concerning waste management and I thought the material was relevant and reflected my own observations of waste management in developing countries.
By Luis C P
•Mar 23, 2017
Los facilitadores están altamente especializados, tienen gran conocimiento y experiencia, una voz de gran autoridad.
By Varshini b
•Jul 11, 2020
I was satisfied with the resources provided and even in the procedure used in teaching.
Thanks for all the support.
By Julie L
•Aug 21, 2019
Cours passionnant avec des intervenants de qualité, des cas concrets très intéressants et une très bonne pédagogie.
By Thiago M d C
•Oct 18, 2016
Curso bastante completo que aprofunda nas discussões da temática resíduos sólidos apresentando exemplos relevantes.
By Arooba J
•Jan 15, 2024
I really enjoyed this course. It is very well designed and covers all the required topics. It stimulates learning.
By Samantha R B
•May 26, 2020
I am glad I had the opportunity to expend my knowlegde trough this course. Thank for supporting the youth in Haiti
By Maria d l P
•Jul 30, 2019
super completo, muy claro. estoy aduiriendo excelentes herramientas para comenzar a trabajar sobre la problematica
By Md. E H
•Oct 18, 2017
The course outline is very much practical for implementing on real life waste management in developing countries.
By nelson d
•Apr 10, 2017
Very informative. I cant wait to apply what I have learn from this course. Big thanks to the professors and eawag
•Dec 30, 2023
Excellent certificat. Il explique et résume bien la gestion des déchets solides. Je le conseille vivement. Merci
•Feb 14, 2023
Coursera helps everyone well to learn scientifically on the subject of waste management and put it into practice
By Giovanny C d S C
•Sep 12, 2022
Excelente! O curso possibilitou reconhecer a importancia da gestão e gerenciamento de residuos solidos urbanos.
By Alexis B
•Oct 6, 2020
Quite engaging and knowledge-based. I liked that the course literature was provided and was easy to understand.
By Jhon C T P
•Sep 7, 2020
muy buen curso me ayudo a comprender mejor la situación actual de mi ciudad con respecto a los residuos sólidos
By Isaac D T
•Jun 13, 2017
I like this course because it made me appreciate waste. It helped me realized that waste isn't waste after all.
By Rishikesh S
•Jul 29, 2021
It was an amazing course, the explanation was as it was supposed to be and it game me lots of new information.
By Maxi M
•May 22, 2016
Una manera de ampliar nuestra visión donde poner todo el entusiasmo para saber cómo hacer las cosas.. gracias!
By Zambrano-Gari, C C
•Apr 26, 2022
Very interesting course. I've learned a lot about of management solid waste management thanks to this course.
By francisco r d
•Mar 3, 2020
excelente desde guerrero Mexico un estado de mayor pobreza del pais..espero poder aplicar estos conocimientos
By Rebecca S
•Mar 16, 2016
Great content, professionally presented. Very thought-provoking and based on some really valuable resources.
By manu r
•Jun 27, 2024
The course was very informative and gave me a lot of insights. I got an overview of the global MSW scenario.
By Fahimeh M
•Jan 10, 2021
it was one of the best courses i have ever take. it was really useful and i will use it in my everyday life.
By julien v
•Aug 3, 2017
Really interesting material.
The course organization is great, interesting and clear.
Definitly recommendable!
By Bishal S
•Aug 20, 2020
A wonderful content with highly expert personal which makes easy to understand and implement in daily life.
•Aug 27, 2018
This was a VERY GOOD review and enhancement to my rather dated(1994/95) knowledge on this subject. Thanks!