Sep 16, 2018
It was useful for me as beginner. I learned how to give an assessment, planning for the course, developing my course material, raise the competitions between my students and more.
Mar 2, 2018
This is a very exceptional course for me as a teacher. Very helpful insights and learnings. Thanks Prof. Dr. Kai Niebert for you wonderful teaching methodologies. God bless you.
By Elli T
•Jan 18, 2018
I am teaching since 2 years now molecular biology in a biology department. I took some didactical courses in my home university, but they were not to compare to what I learned here! In other – more general courses – you get general information how to talk to students, how to formulate learning goals blablabla. Often thats far away from daily teaching.
But this course is completely different: The videos are on the point. They told me what research knows about good teaching and how to apply it – directly. You see that the instructor has a lot of experience and really loves teaching. At first I thought the assignments and peer reviews are too much effort to put in. But it forces you to really adapt the weeks content to your own classes. The work really was worth it! My favourite stuff was the weeks on conceptual change and teaching with analogies!
Thank you for this course!
By Jennifer B
•Mar 5, 2019
Teaching Science in University was my first Coursera course and I really enjoyed it. The information in the course has really helped me to look at the lessons I am teaching to determine how to get my students more actively engaged in the material. To think about how they can apply what they are learning, not just memorize the material presented to them. I really appreciate the Dr. Neibert's handouts that succinctly cover the information and allow you to go back and visit changes in the learning process.
By Olga Z
•Jan 24, 2023
I really liked the course. I just don't get why I got 99% at Harvard for a similar course, but just over 70% in this one. I really do not like the idea of peer review. In the future I will take courses that offer tests or at least not so many peer review tasks. I have been teaching for 20 years and I want my work to be judged by teachers, not other students with little experience.
By lina t
•Feb 13, 2019
je pense que tout enseignant devrait suivre ce cours ; il est clair , bien fait et surtout très intéressant et je desirerais vraiment inviter le professeur de ce module à faire une conférence à l'université Mohamed V au Maroc. je vous remercie tous , pour ce cours
By Mohammed A
•Sep 17, 2018
It was useful for me as beginner. I learned how to give an assessment, planning for the course, developing my course material, raise the competitions between my students and more.
By Aneeza S
•Nov 6, 2023
This course is very very information and it help me that in what ways I will convey science concepts to the students. Great experience. Thanks
By Muhammad W A
•Feb 13, 2019
Highly recommended for those teachers who are willing to move from the college level to the university level teaching.
By Johann-Heinrich S
•Apr 5, 2018
I really enjoyed this course. Lots of useful things to learn and be reminded of.
By Johnny C
•Nov 26, 2019
The course is very interesting and easy to follow. The problem is the peer-review system, apparently there are no much interest or students to review all the assignments. I am stuck in the last assignment, waiting for someone to review it, and finally finish the course.
By Fátima d R R
•Jul 25, 2017
The material is clear and easy to follow, but I would like to have more feedback.
Even though there is a rubric for every assignment, sometimes partners are subjective.
By Antoine D
•Mar 30, 2018
Very pedagogical and entertaining course, focused on science teaching. Only few weeks to accomplish. I recommend it.
•Jun 27, 2020
Content really deserves appreciation. Looking forward for more course in advance level from same group.
By Emad A M A H
•Apr 27, 2019
Amazing course
By Rodrigo S M
•Mar 5, 2019
By Mathilde P
•Jul 20, 2017
Not enough examples at the beginning of the course. The course is interesting but the videos were monotonous. I think the use of quizzes would have been appropriate, as well as giving some articles to read.
By Siara I
•Jul 23, 2017
This course presents a lot of interesting information about teaching science but offers few opportunities for feedback and practice with this material. Which is ironic because it is a course about how to teach.
The lectures are clear and well presented. But It needs quizzes (make these worth only a few % and with the option to redo them 4x if you don't want them to be a big part of the grade). Also the grading criteria for the peer graded assignments is a poor fit for the instructions (especially the final assignment!).
Overall, interesting, evidence-informed ideas about how to teach in interactive, inquiry-stimulating ways are given in lists in well presented lectures. Given how few of the concepts I saw well translated into my peers assignments, I do not imagine that the concepts will be realised in many people's teaching. I will certainly struggle to do so.
By Oscar T
•Jan 19, 2025
Como estudiante de primer semestre de Matemáticas, tengo una visión fresca ya la vez retadora sobre cómo se debe enseñar Ciencias en la universidad. Creo que es fundamental que el enfoque pedagógico sea dinámico, interactivo y profundamente fundamentado en la lógica y la razón. Un aspecto importante en la enseñanza de las ciencias a nivel universitario es que los docentes deben ir más allá de la mera transmisión de conocimiento. Es esencial que fomenten el pensamiento crÃtico y la capacidad de resolución de problemas, habilidades que son vitales no solo en Ciencias, sino también en áreas como las Matemáticas. La relación entre estas disciplinas debe ser aprovechada al máximo, por ejemplo, aplicando conceptos matemáticos para explicar el fenómeno. Además, el uso de herramientas tecnológicas es un factor clave. Las simulaciones, software de modelado y recursos en lÃnea enriquecen el aprendizaje y permiten a los estudiantes visualizar y experimentar conceptos abstractos de una manera más tangible.
By Alvaro L
•Mar 14, 2017
Me gustó mucho el curso. Los videos son llevaderos y fáciles de mirar. Si bien algunas estrategias de enseñanza parecen demasiado intuitivas, es muy común que nos olvidemos de ellas a la hora de enseñar ciencia. Volvernos concientes de su utilidad y ponerlas en práctica pueden mejorar muchÃsimo la calidad de nuestras clases.
I really liked the course very much! Some tips that seem to be quite intuitive are actually very infrequently in sciences classes. Using them could clearly increase the students chances to undestand some abstract and difficult concepts.
By Victor H G
•Aug 30, 2020
Excellent course! I have learned about strategies and techniques that will allow me to redefine the courses that I teach. The instructor presents the material in a very clear and practical way. The assignments were very useful to make me think about the possibilities of improving my teaching. I am sure I will rapidly put to practice what I have learned during this course.
•May 28, 2022
Excelente curso. Aprendà muchas técnicas que a partir de ahora pondré en práctica para mejorar mi manera de dar clases y que sea una clase más entretenida para los alumnos. Me agradó mucho la parte de revisar tareas de otros compañeros porque de esta manera nos enteramos de otros temas además de que podemos utilizar técnicas que los demás utilizan y pueden apoyarnos
By Pooja
•Jan 30, 2025
i really enjoyed this course. this course has developed confidence in me . i am really thankful to the instructors and developers for this informative course. my thanks also goes to the peer review feedback for providing the bridge between the gaps of my learning and understanding .overall, this course is amazing
By Andreas B
•Apr 30, 2020
Sehr lehrreicher, professioneller Kurs. Es hat Spass gemacht daran teilzunehmen. Besonders gut fand ich die Aufteilung der Themen, welche man dann einzeln verarbeiten konnte. Ausserdem ist es sehr praktisch, dass man die Videos mit 1.5-facher Geschwindigkeit laufen lassen kann.
By Agata Z
•Feb 5, 2018
consient and well spoken, worth of Your time, very interesting and helping to teach not only at University but also children and others to let them become more fascinated with our subject, I hope that soon I will purchase that corse to be proud of having certificate
By Greis J K R
•Jun 25, 2023
This course is not only for teaching at university, it is a great strategy to approach science. I enjoy the methodology used in this course, including a pretty downloaded summary for reviewing at any time. Amazing course! Thanks!
•May 19, 2020
Very good thought provoking course for the educators. assignments of this course are very much helpful for any educator to reshape their teaching methods and help to improve effectiveness of their learning deliberation.