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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Teaching Science at University by University of Zurich

187 ratings

About the Course

This course will prepare you for teaching science in higher education. In this MOOC you will learn to make your knowledge as an excellent researcher accessible to your students. We will show you how to communicate science to novices as well as advanced students in science. You will experience the value of teaching with analogies and you will be guided to train your students' competences. Based on up-to-date findings from research into teaching and learning science you will be able to - implement evidence-based strategies into your own teaching, - use students everyday-conceptions for the development of courses, - prepare analogies and models to teach in your field, - implement problem-based teaching, - set up for experiments and teach the nature of science. This course enables you to teach abstract science topics to your students and make them become active and successful learners. The course is based on lectures (videos), handouts (knowledge-to practice briefs), which supplement the knowledge taught in the lectures and assignments to implement the teaching strategies into your own practice....

Top reviews


Sep 16, 2018

It was useful for me as beginner. I learned how to give an assessment, planning for the course, developing my course material, raise the competitions between my students and more.


Mar 2, 2018

This is a very exceptional course for me as a teacher. Very helpful insights and learnings. Thanks Prof. Dr. Kai Niebert for you wonderful teaching methodologies. God bless you.

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76 - 77 of 77 Reviews for Teaching Science at University

By Mohamed A A A E


Mar 16, 2017

This course is not organised so well concerning grading process.....there is a lot of mistakes in the criteria of grading ....also the material is not so good ....I learn nothing new ...... the worst course i took in coursera Actually so no stars goes to this course

By Jakub K


Feb 17, 2017

Teaching behaviourism in 2017 is scandalous.