Jun 12, 2019
This is an amazing course that taught the complete overview of Wind Energy from economy perspective to the engineering part. Truly recommended for anyone that want to learn the basic about wind energy
Apr 27, 2020
It was a wonderful ride into the World of Wind Energy. The due diligence and teaching method of the instructors was on-mark and I personally enjoyed studying the course. Thank you very much, Team DTU!
By Kalyana A
•Dec 12, 2020
The course started slowly with introduction of basics on wind energy but later the course contents were deep and the assignments were very challenging. I have no clue about the wind power concepts and design before the start of the course. Now I am confident and I can start working on wind energy projects and design for both onshore and offshore.
I had to mention about the tough assignments given by the professors. Thanks for rekindling my mathematical prowess. A Great course and I appreciate very much all the professors who taught me the subjects . Thank you DTU for educating me .
By Sean B
•Aug 11, 2019
I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an interest in fluid dynamics, so I thought the course was challenging without being too difficult. The videos and quizzes work well together and quiz reviews have hints to help you learn when you make mistakes. Another great thing is the certificate is the only difference between the free and paid versions of the course; you get complete access to the course either way. I'm often on the lookout for more DTU online courses because they've done a great job with this one.
By Ali H
•Jul 11, 2020
It was a very productive course in terms of learning. It refreshes a lot of your engineering knowledge. It also covers the relevant engineering topics and analyses which are often overlooked. As a whole, this course gives you a pretty good idea of the way wind energy might be utilized and used for the production of electricity. Additionally, this course provides the links and names of relevant additional learning materials if one is interested in understanding the topic or topics in great depth.
By Jan R
•Feb 21, 2017
This was a great course for me. I tried to get a general overview of Wind Energy and the course covered quite a lot. For sure the course can scratch on the surface of the topic only and can't go deep into detail but there are sessions where one has to sit down and think and understand the theory. - Lectures are well structured, teachers know what they talk about and presentation and links for additional materials are good. I recommend this course for those who want an insight in Wind Energy.
By Ayush K
•Nov 9, 2019
This course has been a really great learning experience for me. Specifically because even though it's an online course the focus has been more on the concept side of the subject which I think is very important. It's a great course which gives great insights in the wind energy sector and joins every domain of mechanical engineering beautifully to teach you a lot about wind energy generation from the design, physics, material selection, economics and electrical part of it.
By Daniel M G
•Oct 6, 2016
Es un curso dirigido a las personas que se interesen por las energÃas renovables, por tener una visión más grande en cómo se puede adquirir y consumir la energÃa sin necesidad de acudir a los recursos fósiles. Poder tener los conocimientos previos a la realización de proyectos eólicos básicos, como los realizados en su propia casa; hasta los proyectos de ingenierÃa en una mayor magnitud, como parques eólicos para el suministro de energÃa a pueblos.
By Niranda W
•Apr 2, 2016
Fantastic course, I enjoyed every module and the assignments. My only comment is for there to be full working answers to Assignments available afterwards so that people can understand where they went wrong if they did not get a question correct. I really enjoyed the aerodynamic section and look forward to more advance modules if any do happen to put out. Also from doing this module I defiantly want to learn much more about the wind Industry.
By Nicolás A P L
•Jun 28, 2021
It is a good course, with an emphasis on the physical and mathematical part of the design and operation of wind turbines. It may be advisable to incorporate illustrative videos that explain in detail the force schemes and the theory behind the mathematical formulas used in the assessments. Thanks to the professors and the university for offering the course.
My name is Nicolás Pereira and I'm Forest Engineer from University of Chile.
By llookforward
•Jan 20, 2018
Nice course for me, it is systematic which covers all the sides in wind energy genertaion and it involves a number of cross-disciplinary subjects . Some concepts are hard to understand if you do not have learnt revelant subjects like Mechanics of materials and engineering mechanics. Exercises are well designed to test yourself and reinforce knowledge. Overall, I strongly recommended this course to whom are interesting in wind energy.
By sibisi v
•Oct 12, 2020
i think when i registered for the course i was under the impression that it was going to be a walk in the park, but it was challenging and educational, especial for someone like me, who is been involve in the industry, more on the Technical sphere(maintenance and serve). the course provided me with the scientific comprehension of the most of the systems and components i often interface with, in my day to day work.
By Fazla Z A
•Aug 15, 2020
This is an amazing course that taught the complete overview of Wind Energy from economy perspective to the engineering part. Truly recommended for anyone that want to learn the basic about wind energy. It was a wonderful ride into the World of Wind Energy. The due diligence and teaching method of the instructors was on-mark and I personally enjoyed studying the course. Thank you very much, Team DTU!
By Peter R
•Nov 28, 2020
El curso es muy interesante y muy didáctico porque permite al estudiante aprender una parte en las lecturas y reflejar su aprendizaje en la solución de la Actividad, para finalmente ser evaluado en el examen. Permite no solo ejercitar las habilidades matemáticas, sino la habilidad de programación. Un gran detalle que tiene el curso es el mostrar ejemplos prácticos y reales, de una forma didáctica.
By Nikhil M
•Jun 4, 2021
The course was incredible. Due to the pandemic our university was shut, I took this course in my senior year but didn't get proper teaching. This course exactly covered my syllabus and also gave a very in-depth insight into the topic. If you want to work in the field of wind power then this course is a must. Thanks to all the faculty memebers for making this course interactive and enjoyable.
By Miahn R A
•Apr 28, 2020
Very good and efficient course, specially if one is from mechanical engineering background. However, it is quite quickly taught with many topics coming in too compact. Without proper engineering knowledge in Solid mechanics, Heat transfer, Fluid mechanics, Composite Materials, Powerplant, Economics it is quite difficult. Still, it can help you learn in a compact way.
By Prasanna D
•Sep 7, 2017
This course is very interesting and challenging as well. They have set some really good quizzes which might look tough but in the end you get a clear understanding of the concepts. The teaching is quite good and extensive supplementary material has been provided. Overall experience with this course was great! To all the professors and researchers, THANK YOU!
•Jun 13, 2020
The course is really amazing and wonderful. It provides a brief knowledge of wind energy and its importance as well as needs in engineering field and economic development.And it also discusses briefly about wind turbine technology and aerodynamics.
Hence , it is really benefial for engineering students like us who have interest in the field of wind energy
By Trang T T D
•Aug 22, 2022
Dear DTU and Coursera,
I highly recommend for anyone that want to learn about wind energy.
The Course is very well structured and the way that all lecturers share their knowleage very clear.
The parts that I enjoy the most are the financial aspects of wind energy production by Dr Tom Cronin.
My speacial thanks to the DTU Wind Energy department.
Trang Dang
By Ana C A M
•Nov 7, 2019
This course covers basic aspects of wind energy, and it was very well explained. The assignments were the most important part of the course for me, since it encourages us to understand the key concepts of wind power by drawing our own conclusion. Thank you, DTU lecturers, for all the time and effort given for us in this course. Best regards from Brazil
By 藤澤俊輔
•May 16, 2020
I'm a beginner of Wind Energy, but I feel I learned a lot of fundamental knowledge of that after completed this course. Sometimes, I felt that it was hard to understand because I don't have any background or experience in engineering. This is a good course to obtain new knowledge as well as to refresh my knowledge about fundamental mathmatics.
By 5002 A B N
•Sep 23, 2020
The entire learning platform was exceptionally amazing, and the key note materials must be read in order to gain more attention to problems and practical application. The speakers had professional communicative skills in order to make students understand clearly. It gave me sufficient time to understand and analyse the subsequent theory.
By Juan A B D
•Jan 5, 2018
This course has been quite interesting and useful because I could learn a bit of everything of wind energy. So, I could understand how this kind of energy works in every step of the energy production. I think that the organization is very unbeatable because this course is perfectly balanced between the theory and practical knowledge.
By Deleted A
•Apr 14, 2020
Great introductory level course for undergraduates.
More emphasis on commercial application with basic phenomenon of fluid flow and structural mechanics given in the course which could have been upgraded to 2 weeks more of special lectures.
Overall a nice experience in solving problems and undertaking tricky scenarios in assignments.
By Somashekar h
•Aug 9, 2020
I would like to say vote of thanks to DTU wind energy department such a wonderful study journey made me to go through & made me experienced in solving the practical field calculations on wind mill turbines such as energy generation,aerodynamic wind blades etc...thank you so much for coursera for giving such a opportunity to learn.
By José F H A
•Mar 15, 2016
The contents of this course are outstanding and represent the state of the art. Prospective learners will understand the basics of wind energy engineering, with special emphasis on wind measurements and resource assessment, aerodynamics, wind turbine technology, structural mechanics, materials, financial and electrical systems.
By Thierry G
•May 1, 2020
Great collaboration amongst multiple professors and researchers. Clear explanation, but as this is an introduction class, you only get a glimpse of the concepts and the equations are only presented not thoroughly derived. As a whole, it delivers on the content and you get a better understanding of the design of wind turbines.