Jun 12, 2019
This is an amazing course that taught the complete overview of Wind Energy from economy perspective to the engineering part. Truly recommended for anyone that want to learn the basic about wind energy
Apr 27, 2020
It was a wonderful ride into the World of Wind Energy. The due diligence and teaching method of the instructors was on-mark and I personally enjoyed studying the course. Thank you very much, Team DTU!
By Facundo C
•Jan 7, 2022
Un curso muy interesante, se ven los aspectos generales del diseño de un parque eólico. Se requieren conocimientos ingenieriles previos como para poder entender bien de lo que habla
By Praful m
•Jun 18, 2020
Amazing course wtih practical knowledge based curriculum. The best part of this course is quizes that combines all of the studied material with a brainstorming session. Thank You DTU
By Nilava D
•May 30, 2020
It was a great opportunity for me to learn this course from such a prestigious university and from such great lecturers. The quizzes were a bit hard, but all we need is to get going!
By Satyaki B
•Apr 22, 2020
I have found this course absolutely delightful! One can obtain knowledge on every aspect of wind energy - why its needed, how its produced and how to integrate into the power system.
•Oct 16, 2020
it requires lots of calculations and you are really learning the concept of wind energy with other disciplines such as material science, mechanics, electrical, physical, and so on.
•Jun 7, 2020
this is the excellent course i have learnt till this day.wonderful marvelous ....keep going i will support you ..we will eat the sweetest fruits in the world in a delicious mannner
By Mykhailo G
•Jun 9, 2019
Thanks a lot for this short but global picture of Wind Energy production. It was sometimes complicated to pass the quizzes but it definitely enriched my understanding of the field.
By Vinay G
•Sep 12, 2018
Some things are a bit complex to understand , but a great coverage of all aspects of wind energy sector ,which will definitely help learners for better understanding of wind energy
By Gustavo R
•Oct 16, 2016
Very good course. The modules are very well presented. The quizzes are adapted to the exposed level. During the video expositions, spot questions are very good to help for newbies.
By Alejandro T
•Jun 21, 2020
This course is incredible.
It gives you a brief but concise explanation of how wind power plants work, their components, operation, connection to the grid, etc.
Highly recommended
By Alireza G
•Jan 1, 2022
I was looking to find a course to increase my knowledge about wind energy, and I found this course as a good one to learn more about the subject. Many thanks to Coursera and DTU!
By Ander M
•Dec 4, 2020
Nice course . I really enjoyed doing it and I think it will be useful for my future. Would it be possible to receive the course documentation and the diplom?. If so, how?
•Nov 21, 2020
It was A EXCELENt CoURSE: good teaching, necessary information to gET a bROad Idea AND THE Most important fundamentals for comPLEte understanDING OF THIS Natural energy source.
By Maria
•May 28, 2017
Great course! Excellent depth of content, they've chosen the perfect level of it. Gives us a reasonably good understanding on the engineering and market of wind power industry.
By Johann A
•Nov 3, 2020
Overall great introductory course. Tackled all of the necessary fields needed to understand and appreciate the concepts and importance of wind energy in today's energy sector.
By vivekanandan s
•Nov 15, 2016
Excellent Course to know the basics of all aspects Windenergy like, Costing, Design, Various paremeter involed in Design and installion of WE, and Present and future and etc
By Javier S
•Mar 23, 2016
Very interesing course about wind energy principles and technologies. I recommended to everyone who is interested in renewable energy and want to get an insight of this field.
By elten a
•Oct 5, 2024
This new version of the course is excellent to gain knowledge about wind energy , I also would like to get knowledges of the components in the nacelle, gearbox generator etc.
By Iván M G
•Sep 6, 2020
El curso es bastante completo; la información proporcionada y los ejercicios son bastante pertinentes y permiten conocer más acerca de los fundamentos de la tecnologÃa eólica
By Do T V H
•Jul 31, 2020
Thank you very much professors and lecturers of DTU!
I've learnt many new things from you and this course is one of the greatest quality course I've ever booked from Coursera.
•May 25, 2020
lecturer is awesome they teach us in very simple language so that ue can and understand easily ,and the knowledge i got fro this wind energy module is very profitable for me.
By Meda N
•Jul 23, 2020
The concept was very nice & moreover additional book information also provided in the descriptions with language translation. Thanks a lot to DTU as well as to the Coursera.
By Silvio N
•Sep 11, 2019
Um excelente curso, professores fantásticos, explicações claras, vÃdeos adequados, exercÃcios desafiadores. indico a todos os apaixonados pelo tema e que gostam de desafios
By Paúl C F
•May 28, 2017
This course is a good overview of wind energy in technical and economical aspects. I would prefer to have more Aerodynamics stuff, but as foundation is highly recommendable.
By Jose J C E
•Oct 6, 2021
Very useful and applicable Knowledge. We have to be very careful about where and how to measure the wind speed and its turbulence before select the place. Many thanks DTU.