Aug 1, 2020
Simple, lucid and engaging with real-time practical challenges. Resource material like formats, slides and link to articles and youtube video (loved the one on Multitasking in Week 4) are beneficial.
Jul 10, 2020
I am grateful to attend to Coursera classes. The data gives brief and simple explanation understandable to brain.Which we can practice in day to day life , to increase efficiency in work and life
•Jul 18, 2020
The Course is defined as simple to understand the Basic Time management for all Group of work force and very useful if applied properly for Work Life Balance
By Sliman M
•Apr 29, 2020
A fun and effective course that clearly teaches us how to optimize your daily time
Good luck to all colleagues and thank you for those in charge of this work
By Clare T
•Jul 10, 2020
What I love about this lecture is that it made me realize that multitasking in not actually a good thing. Focus one at a time is the key to time management.
By Amy L
•Apr 7, 2020
Such a wonderful course! Break complicated tasks into simple, manageable steps! Highly recommend! Thanks so much Margaret and UCI for the wonderful course!
By Ayesha A a
•Sep 4, 2023
The course was well structured and planned. The trainer had good understanding of the subject . This was the best training one can wish for.
Thanks a lot.
By Kolupo S
•Jan 6, 2023
Absolutely Perfect. This course is exactly what I needed to scale up and I'm so glad I found it. I've learnt a whole lot and I'm very grateful. Thank you
By Hamed m
•Aug 25, 2018
It is a great course that teaches you many skills pertaining to time and how to organize your work as well as how to prioritize things that you have to do
By Hagar a z
•Oct 12, 2015
This course helps me a lot in my life, however it takes discipline to apply its content on your daily life. Thank you very much for your effort, Coursera!
By Anar N
•Mar 31, 2020
It's easy to understand and super efficient course. Tools that presented here take no time to implement into your life. And you will benefit immediately.
By Abhilasha B
•Dec 16, 2019
This course has helped me a lot and I can say that I have learnt very well to manage my time....
I have started becoming punctual to my work thanks to you
By Hassan S
•Feb 6, 2016
A very very helpful course. It made me realizing where did I lag. Going to opt for Specialization as I am highly impressed by the content of this Course.
By lau
•Sep 15, 2015
Very comprehensive training on time management and effectiveness
A big thank you to the teacher ! She is calm, convincing and the course is well organized
By Dnyaneshwar M
•Aug 12, 2020
The course is to good & better understanding ...Managment of Time...With in this video slide ..to better understand helping .... Overall. Work smart...
By Mariam Q
•Aug 10, 2017
It was a great detailed but brief course to plan your life I really recommend it to every feel so messy in his life and have no social or personal life.
By Ahmed K
•Sep 12, 2015
This course is subtitle for all professionals regardless their field of specialisation. Along with health, time is the most precious thing in our lives.
By Pharouk (
•May 14, 2020
That is very impressive, I am so satisfied with the content, I start to apply the knowledge right away. This is the secret of achieving any life goals.
By Mauy M
•Jun 23, 2016
Curso bastante rico em informações relevantes para otimização do uso do tempo, aplicado não apenas no ambiente de trabalho, mas também na vida pessoal.
By Omprakash
•Aug 12, 2020
The course was great observation and teaching the planning and executing in right way to manage Work Life Balance.will follow give guideline checlist.
By Ujjawal S
•May 15, 2020
Thank you for the opportunity for having this course. It is very good course with lot of takeaways which improves the professional and personal life .
By loeffel a
•Mar 16, 2019
Basics principles but it is always better to get them in mind, or if you don't have it already, to get familiar with it ! You will win a lot of time !
By Rene S J
•Nov 3, 2020
This is such a refresher on how to be better not only at work but in dealing and handling your time with your personal goals. Practical and sensible!
By Hillary T
•Sep 18, 2015
I really enjoyed this course. I've been a professional for over twenty years but this course helped me to focus and be more productive. Very helpful.
By Diana L
•Nov 9, 2022
I liked this course a lot, I really took very uselful tools for my day-to-day work. Language is quite easy to understand, and material is enjoyable.
By Dario C
•Jul 6, 2020
Very useful course, run in a very engaging way. Lots of useful tipes to improve personal productivity and bust the myth that "multitasking is good".