Jul 13, 2020
The information is very helpful. I got basic knowledge to continue learning OWASP ZAP.
May 12, 2022
Explore me more to acquire entirely different knowledge of what I thought I know
By kp d
•May 2, 2020
the owaspzap shows connection failed error when i try to attack it and i tried to get info from you but i think there should be a fix for it to be provided cause i felt many other students got the same error as well sir
By dasun k
•May 4, 2020
Complete waste of time. if you are paying this is not worth it.
•May 17, 2020
Not able to do hands-on practice and explore the tool. Getting always error of failure from Rhyme.
By Faizan A
•May 11, 2020
Too much poor learning, waste of time.
By yekshith b
•Apr 30, 2020
the course was great , but the some doubts remains. please specify how this can be setup on a personal computer (not rhyme). because it brings up many errors. And to use other proxies.thank you.
By Vitalii A
•Nov 28, 2020
You will get much more information just reading a documentation about the OWASP ZAP.
The teacher do not explain anything what happens during the course and the purpose of the actions you performed doesn't make any sense. Press this button, press that button, here we have the result and now we can save it as PDF. Wow, sounds good. Very helpful.
By Rafey B H
•Jun 30, 2020
The course I believe was a bit easy and not intermediate plus Rhyme refused connections to the mutilliadae server
By Angela B
•Jul 27, 2021
A brief but informative introduction to OWASP ZAP for someone that has never used the application. Unfortunately, the Cloud environment to use OWASP ZAP did not completely work for me so I could only watch the instructor rather than get hands on experience, hence only 3 stars.
By Josh M
•May 30, 2020
The exercise environment was not configured correctly to follow along with the videos. I might as well have watched this on YouTube instead. The content of the video was good though.
By Deepak S
•May 9, 2020
The hands on approach did not really work out. Though the technology learned here is very useful.
By Zachary K
•May 8, 2022
Course was very basic on using the tool. This is more of a "getting started" video just scratching the surface a few features. Do not pay for this course, check YouTube or find another course.
By Rashid A
•Mar 17, 2021
Very basic course, someone can easily find these information on YouTube, not recommended.
By Ruta L
•Oct 28, 2020
Too short, poor course, waste of time.
By Hasini A
•Jul 14, 2020
The information is very helpful. I got basic knowledge to continue learning OWASP ZAP.
By Engr A I
•May 13, 2022
Explore me more to acquire entirely different knowledge of what I thought I know
By Mahendra A
•Jun 17, 2020
As a beginner it was very helpful to me. Iam able to learn quickly as well.
By alejo g g o
•Oct 16, 2020
Nice course to have a initial comprension about this awesome tool.
By Aaron S
•Mar 21, 2023
Leaned so much and I feel like it comes to me Very Comfortable
By A V G S
•Oct 8, 2020
The topic was bang on target. Easy to understand and follow.
By Isabel N C
•Dec 15, 2024
Excelente contenido y forma de aprendizaje muy intuitivo
By Mamoona N
•Jan 16, 2022
This course is excellent to start journey as pen Tester.
By Michael G
•Feb 17, 2025
Perfect overview and starting point for OWASP ZAP.
By Lucien P
•Oct 27, 2020
I love very bit of this course
By tanuj s
•May 19, 2020
good and a very short course
By Mithun K R
•Jan 10, 2025
Good But Small Project.....