Jul 13, 2020
The information is very helpful. I got basic knowledge to continue learning OWASP ZAP.
May 12, 2022
Explore me more to acquire entirely different knowledge of what I thought I know
•May 9, 2020
Its just for begnieers
By Sunidhi A G
•Aug 12, 2020
Did not get any help regarding the errors faced and couldnt complete all tasks as shown in vedios.
By sebastian g r
•Jun 4, 2020
I wouldn't have paid for this course. It's 'meh' if you're getting it for free... but honestly, charging 10 usd for a course on OWASP? The O stands for Open!! WTH is wrong with this people? The final quiz not only had typos, it stated things that are inaccurate and rated you on their interpretation. My advice: go read about OWASP ZAP somewhere else.
By Ludovic K
•May 21, 2021
The VM used in the guided exercise is wrongly configured and does not run iis properly