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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The fundamentals of hotel distribution by ESSEC Business School

1,397 ratings

About the Course

In today’s hotel sector an increasingly complex network of traditional and web based channels have to be managed to insure hotel success. Key questions include: how should you distribute over the web? What should you include on your website so people book through it? How can you maximise the potential of online travel agents (OTAs)? With the distribution environment both highly complex and constantly evolving, this course will give you comprehensive foundation of current industry practices to help jump start your career in this fascinating domain. Acknowledgements: Claire Bertrand, Vincent Chatain, Jessica Moses, Benjamin Six (ESSEC Business School), Emilie Dupré (Image-In), Gregory Halidy (Triplay)...

Top reviews


Jan 6, 2018

Very well done, these teachers and other important figures involved in the course are sharing extensive knowledges and they are teaching very clearly making the topic easy to comprehend, BRAVO!!!


Jan 24, 2022

​Dear Essec, Greetings from Bali! Thank you for the knowledge of fundamentals of hotel distribution, im starting to gain my confidence to learn more about hospitality again. Thank you once again!

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51 - 75 of 341 Reviews for The fundamentals of hotel distribution

By Ramin Z


Jan 14, 2019

This course was designed with real life examples, therefore was matching my experience where now I can apply to my daily job to improve our hotel scores and to evaluate the our distribution channels. Thank you.

By Paupardin


Feb 28, 2021

This MOOC was simply outstanding. Very interesting lectures with top professors, very clear. I learned a lot and have the impression I understand the issues much better. Strongly recommended !

By Lina M Q C


Feb 26, 2021

Es un extraordinario curso para personas que no tienen conocimientos sobre este tema. Definitivamente ha valido cada minuto invertido. Lo ideal es hacer todo el Mooc. Sin duda lo recomiendo.

By Swagat R P


Feb 18, 2022

One of the best courses that I found on Coursera that not only teaches the basics of Hotel Distribution but helps you dive deeper into the very subject and helps in gaining a needful skill.

By Mrs P


Feb 7, 2016

Very detailed and easy to understand lectures, that discover complicated inside of hotel industry in a simple way. Great professors made my pleasant learning experience.

Thank you so much!

By Tehron M


Jan 31, 2024

I recently completed the course on "The fundamentals of hotel distribution" and as someone with 3 years experience in the hospitality industry, I found it to be quite enlightening.

By Giuliana L


Feb 17, 2020

Me pareció muy bueno y completo. Ahora tengo una mejor idea de como aprovechar al máximo los canales de distribución para mi hotel y hacer lograr obtener el mejor rendimiento.

By weng k


Oct 22, 2018

i've accidentally click cancel subscription, but i will repurchase again. Is really informative and helping to understand in more systematically way. Strongly recommend.

By Shakur R


Feb 25, 2019

Excellent course that can help any beginner hotelier to get familiar to the available hotel distribution options and then understand how to maximize returns through it.

By Herwin


Nov 18, 2015

For my first online course and wishing to have a broader knowledge of hotel distribution, it has been very enriching and will undoubtedly help me in the near future.

By Hugo V


Apr 21, 2020

It was a very useful program, perfectly explained, with the right amount of content, exercises and extra readings that enrich the learning process. 100% recommended

By yasmin m z a


Jan 5, 2021

Excelente! es un curso en el cual no solo reforcé lo que lleve aprendiendo en mi carrera y el trabajo sino que también pude actualizarme, lo recomiendo totalmente.

By Ricardo a c c


May 4, 2020

A general knowledge about the different channels of distribution of a hotel in the market. What they are, the challenges and suggestions for an optimum management.

By Yuanqiang P


Apr 18, 2019

A very good source to get the basic knowledge of the fundamentals of hotel distribution.

Makes me better to get involved in the next course, revenue management.

By Aina H


Nov 18, 2019

Immersive course with clear explanation and examples. Might need a few updates though. Recommended for people who already are familiar with the hotel industry

By Xiaolei Z


Jan 15, 2022

It's my first time doing online course with coursera,I find it's very useful and the organization of course is perfect, I love it and I will continue learn!

By Christos K


Sep 22, 2020

Very Insightful course to the understanding of hotel distribution systems, the channels that can be adopted by each property, and the pros and cons of each!

By Twinkal D


Dec 21, 2017

The Course widened my knowledge about Hotel chains, Marketing strategies and OTAs as effective partners. Thank you coursera for such wonderful opportunity.

By Yanick L


Mar 8, 2017

Very good course. Great overview on Hotel distribution from many perspectives. Balances well the pros and cons of the various channels. Good essays as well

By Ibán M T


Oct 26, 2015

The cuorse was really amazing and has infomation that approach into the business providing encourage.

I am expecting for the next, see you soon!

Thanks you.

By Kannan S


Apr 6, 2021

Gained an in-depth knowledge on Hotel Distribution and how best a hotel can work with an OTA.Special Thanks to our Learned Instructor Mr.Peter O'Connor.

By Maureen N


Jun 23, 2020

Was Challenging in the beginning but that pushed me to concentrate more and work harder.

Both tutors were excellent. Looking forward to the next Course!

By Zulqarnain C


Jun 4, 2022

it was an excellent course, after going through this , i have learned a lot of new attributes which can be utilised to increased the revenue of hotel.

By Ben L


Apr 11, 2020

Really helpful for my career as i am working in hospitality. Clearly video and conprehensive syllabus. Thank you very much instructor Peter O' Connor.

By Avril C


Jun 28, 2016

Extremely information course. This will definitely assist hotel managers to understand and manage their performance in the distribution landscape.