Jan 12, 2018
Great Learning experience, my first but not the last & recommended for those working professionals who have busy schedule and still want to whet their insatiable appetite for contemporary learning
May 3, 2020
Great self paced tutorial. Easy to comprehend topics and principles. Quizzes are good method for understanding concepts. You are able to retake final exam and quizzes until you master the material.
By Alireza B
•Aug 17, 2015
it feels great to listen to such courses with experienced professors...
I am happy about it...
By Markians B
•Feb 1, 2024
Thank you, Coursera for such opportunities provived without discrimination based on location
By Geethika I S
•Sep 13, 2022
Taking this course helped me greatly. A lot of new tactics and ideas. Recommanded to anyone.
•Sep 2, 2022
I'm happy for finished this course and for to learnning many things about negotiation.
•Sep 18, 2020
It was a good learning, gain knowledge on some of the fundamentals of stratergic negotiation
By Sanjeev K
•May 31, 2020
Get to know ZOPA, BATNA, Stretch Goals, Reservation price. Ethics , ADR , Decision Tree etc.
By Rachel L
•May 2, 2020
Really interesting course that provides easy tips for negotiating at work and in daily life!
By Paula D R M
•Apr 23, 2020
It was very exquisite! Learned so much about negotiation skills and right strategies to use.
•Oct 3, 2018
Very good. Here you have opportunity to rethink about all kinds of negotiation in your life.
By Anand W
•Sep 24, 2017
Excellent course... Very nice insights. And tough exam as well. Study well to get certified.
By Karel K
•Jul 4, 2017
An excellent course that challenges you to test yourself and apply everything you've learnt.
By Jose L C
•Apr 28, 2016
It helps you to get the skills to negotiate....plan and strategy before you get to negotiate
By Twinkle L
•Oct 8, 2015
Great class! The Professor did a great job in explaining the concepts and how to apply them.
By Amand D A
•Jul 21, 2023
Very Interesting!
I have learned a lot, thanks to the great presentation made by Mr Siedel.
By Akash R
•Jul 12, 2023
Excellent Course and learnings! A lot of heartiest thanks to Mr George Siedel and Coursera.
By Roger F
•May 9, 2022
What a suprise, I have obtained a very useful skills to negotiate.
Greetings from Barcelona.
By Rose H W
•Jan 24, 2022
Excellent training materials and the lecturer was awesome in his delivery and training!!!!
By Beckie
•Oct 19, 2021
very informative. Provides practical knowledge that can be used in day to day circumstances
By Israel E H
•Dec 11, 2020
Muy buen curso, excelente habilidad para desarrollar y practicar en todo ambito de la vida.
By Rachel J
•Dec 11, 2020
Fantastic lecturer and great practise exercise although I didn't have anyone to do it with!
By Candice W
•Oct 26, 2020
Informative and well structured course! Provided me several new skills in my sales position
By Claudia C M
•Aug 9, 2020
Curso muito bom, super indico para pessoas no ramo de qualquer negociação, bem esclarecedor
By Michael R H
•May 1, 2020
Absolutely amazing course! A lot more challenging than I expected, but more than delivered.
By David U
•Sep 24, 2019
This is an excellent course, and it is applicable to everyday life (business and personal).
By Christopher A
•Aug 18, 2019
This is a really informative course, but at the same time George makes it fun and engaging.